Alcohol Affects The Brain Essay

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Alcohol has been produced and consumed by humans throughout history. Alcohol has been a socially accepted factor throughout many years. It may be legal, but it is still a drug. Consuming alcohol can be a savor experience, but consuming too much can cause long term problems to the body and the developing brain. Drinking alcohol is like hiking a mountain, the higher you go up the harder it gets.
Alcohol impacts and damages everyone, but it effects everyone in a different way. The amount of alcohol you drink all depends on the persons: age, gender, height, weight, and general health. It also depends on the concentration of alcohol the person is drinking or if they had food or water in their stomach. The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is the …show more content…

The other 80% is absorbed by the small intestine, and the heart pumps and moves the alcohol to every part of the body. The very first place alcohol targets is the central nervous system, which is formed by the spinal cord and the brain. The brain is the fastest target that alcohol gets to, so that is why people feel light headed and relaxed just after one drink.
When someone reaches ages of 20 to 25, thats when the brain is well developed. When people younger than 20 drink alcohol they cause irreversible damages to the developing brain. Once the heart pumps alcohol all over the body and reaches the cerebral cortex in the brain. Controlling our sense and inhibitory center which controls our good judgments and effects us in thinking clearly. This is when the drinker starts to become more talkative, self-confident, and less socially inhibited. If the intake of alcohol increases, it can reach the frontal lobe part of the brain. This controls; planning, forming ideas, making decisions, and using self-control. Having alcohol reach the frontal lobe may be hard to have self-control and act without thinking. Sometimes people may act violent and out of character. When people start stumbling, loosing their balance, and falling that means that the alcohol has reached the part of the brain called their cerebellum. It controls our thinking and being aware. For that reason is why people see things

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