Informative Essay On Drunk Driving

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1. Jacob Belotti Drunk Driving Ms. Fitzgerald 5-11-16 2. Approximately one million people are injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes every year, and young people, ages 16 to 24 are involved in 28% of those alcohol-related driving accidents. Drunk driving not only puts yourself in danger, but those around you. Drunk driving in Wisconsin doesn’t have strict laws. The fine for drunk driving in Wisconsin on the first offense ranges from 150-300 dollars. You could’ve killed someone. A life doesn’t cost 300 dollars. Life is priceless. Drunk driving in America is a large reason for injuries or deaths of young adults and teens. Alcohol not broken down by the liver goes to the rest of the body, including the brain. Alcohol can affect parts of the brain that control movement, speech, judgment, and memory. These effects lead to the …show more content…

The continuous rate of drunken driving deaths makes a case that the united States drunk driving laws are too lenient and makes a call for stricter laws. There is a need for the United States to improve on their drunk driving penalties just the way the other country’s have done and this is giving them a reduced rate of drunk driving death. The United States can’t go on like this. There is a need for stricter laws to be introduced as the United States. So why do people drink and drive? They believe they’re less drunk than they actually are. They feel confident that they can drive extra carefully and avoid incident. Their ability to rationalize is suppressed, leading them to make rash decisions. They want to escape personal problems. They are ashamed or afraid to call someone to pick them up. This could also cause financial burdens.If you crash the car and/or had to visit the hospital, you’ll likely face a huge setback in your savings. This could also negatively affect your parents’

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