Albrecht Durer Essay

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Albrecht Dürer is considered to be one of the most modern spirited Renaissance artists. According to Joseph Leo Koemer, he is known to have been “the great original for German Renaissance art”. Koemer also accentuated that Dürer is the artist who is “most fully present in his self-portraits”. Therefore, this essay will argue the importance of Dürer's masterpieces through the evolution of time. According to Debicki, Favre, Grunewald and Pimentel (1996), Albrecht Dürer is a remarcable portraitist of an incredible realism, who has perfected the art of his flemish predecessors. He managed to capture an image of high intensity in each of his masterpieces. Besides Jean Foquet, an artist who lived in France in the 1450s, Albrecht Dürer is known as the first renaissance artist who was concerned about his self-portrait and left some of them as his legacy. One should bear in mind that the Northern Renaissance was mastered by Albrecht Dürer. Self-portraits are …show more content…

Albrecht Durer” or by Pope-Hennessy in other words: “I have copied this from myself in a mirror”. As Pope-Hennessy observes, Durer must have probably used a convex mirror. With this in mind, it is impossible not to remark the contrasting dimensions of the eyes and also the gesture of the right hand, lacking a convincing move. According to Bubenik, the inscription also follows that the artist takes pride in his work of art. He is aware of the importance that will certainly be awarded to it and the artist is showing off the confidence in his art, knowing that it will be of interest to others. It is possible to say that the artist has made the inscription later, when he was no longer a child and was already famous. Furthermore, Bubenik remarks that the concept of self-consciousness during Renaissance has been created around this

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