Albert Bandura's Article: Violence In The Media

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According to some studies, research proves that by watching violent television, children will begin to believe that brutality is okay to use when overcoming obstacles in life and they will end up mimicking whatever’s going on. In the article, Violence in the Media, published by the American Psychological Association (APA), it states, “Of special concern has been the portrayal of violence, particularly given psychologist Albert Bandura's work in the 1970s on social learning and the tendency of children to imitate what they see.” As stated in Albert Bandura’s report from the 1970s, if children watch something violent, they will most likely get influenced by it. This will cause them to emulate whatever they see on television. For example, if a …show more content…

According to the article, Violence in the Media, written by the APA, it provides information on how ferocious television episodes can affect a child’s senses, feelings, and attitude. To be more specific, it can make them become numb, frightened, and more pugnacious due to the amount of violent TV they watch. Furthermore, according to the same article, the APA also wrote, “By observing these participants into adulthood, Huesmann and Eron found that the ones who'd watched a lot of TV violence when they were 8 years old were more likely to be arrested and prosecuted for criminal acts as adults.” Psychologists L. Rowell Huesmann and Leonard Eron held a study that concluded that the result of watching violent television can lead to jail and criminal actions. This will also cause a child to become more aggressive and therefore will become a nefarious person. All in all, the American Psychological Association decided that violent television can shape a child’s disposition. In fact, it can also encourage a child to execute bad deeds and crimes when they become

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