Aguirre Discussion Questions

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Discussion questions for Aguirre, the Wrath of God 1. Pay attention to how Herzog uses the jungle and the Amazon River in this movie. What adjectives would you use to describe it? How does it advance the plot, and how does it contribute symbolically to the film? The jungle was impenetrable and dangerous. As the jungle is on both sides of the river, the expedition was rather restricted to the river. The river itself seemed to propel the expedition in only one direction, the direction of the river. I think the combination of the jungle and the Amazon River amplified the necessity that the group could only move in one direction with no other options available. 2. The film focuses on Aguirre and his growing madness. What motivates his actions? Discuss one scene (NOT the ending) that shows he is descending into insanity. How does Herzog use the …show more content…

Herzog interjects humor into the film. Name one instance of this. Why do you think he has included these moments? One instance of humor is the statement that long arrows must be in style now. The statement is made by a dying man just pierced by said long arrow. I think Herzog included moments like this one to reduce the seriousness of the film. I think the film is a commentary and not to be taken absolutely literal. This is one way to prevent an audience from falling into that state. 6. Most of the characters in the film die a violent death, and yet this film does not seem as violent as “The Bridge.” Why do you think Herzog filmed the deaths this way? The way the characters die in the film is really not the point. The fact that they are in an uncontrollable dissension into madness and loss, is the point. They all needed to die to drive this point, but it was not a necessary element to focus in on the gore. 7. Herzog used music from the avant-garde electronic band Popol Vuh in the movie. You can listen to it on the e-mail link. How does this contribute to the film? What other sounds/music does he

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