Aging And Aging

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Aging occurs in every species. Over time a change occurs on a cellular level in a person’s body, which causes degenerative effects on the brain, muscles, organs, bones, hormones, and DNA. In 1991, the book Evolutionary Biology of Aging, offered the following definition of aging: a persistent decline in the age-specific fitness components of an organism due to internal physiological deterioration.1 Aging affects the body physically and mentally. Many people dread getting older due to the numerous changes the body goes through. The geriatric population experiences many pains and is inflicted with various diseases. There are a few who are lucky enough to not get diagnosed with a life altering disease, such as Alzheimer’s, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, macular degeneration, or some form of cancer. Studies have shown that genetics play a vital role in the aging process.
'Telomere at senescence' A chromosome of an adult cell with the telomere labeled 'Telomere shortens after multiple replications' In 1961, Leonard Hayflick and Paul Moorhead made an astonishing discovery that human cells originating from embryonic tissues could only divide a limited number of times in culture, known as the Hayflick Limit.2 This is called cellular senescence and eventually leads to cell death. According to the National Institute of Aging (NIA),3 “DNA damage build-up occurs when a cell divides and passes its genetic information on to its two daughter cells. Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides. In most cells, the telomeres eventually reach a critical length when the cell stops proliferation and become senescent.” Due to Hayflick and Moorhead’s research, it was found that the telomeres, which are located at the ends of DNA, become shorter as...

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...kinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.”7 This research is important for future generations and the millions of people who are diagnosed with these incurable diseases.
Studies about aging are relevant in today’s society because the aging process happens to everybody. Humans want to enjoy life with their family and friends and many look forward to their retirement so they can enjoy their time doing leisurely activities. Research on trying to find a cure for different cancers and slowing down the aging process is important if humans want to live a longer and more enjoyable life. By eating foods with antioxidants, exercising on a daily basis, challenging oneself with memory and critical thinking activities, avoiding smoking and drinking too much alcohol, managing stress, and by surrounding oneself with a good support system can all contribute to a longer and happier lifespan.

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