African American Parenting Styles Essay

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African American Parenting Techniques When it comes to parenting styles, there is a clear distinction and gap between African-Americans and white American families. These practices are stemmed from historical and cultural traditions that are passed from one generation to another. Pregnancy, child-rearing, and parenting techniques between black and white people are significantly affected by various social and economic factors. A lot of African-American parents in the U.S. have their own special way of handling their children. These techniques are usually learned from their black ancestors dating back to the period of American slavery. These practices help keep black kids safe in a society of people where racism is still prevalent. Here are …show more content…

Based on a study by the American Sociological Association, a huge number of black mothers found this parenting approach favorable compared to white, middle-class moms. This research was conducted based on 302 African-American teenagers as well as their mothers. According to results, a parent’s approach to parenting is highly influenced by a family’s social and economic status and condition. The popularity of the disciplinary approach is mostly due to the challenges that a black family faces on a daily basis such as racism, discrimination, and poverty. Single Parenthood A lot of African-American mothers raise their kids on their own without the help of their partners. Based on statistics from, only 33% of black children live with both of their parents. A study on infants from 2 to 18 months old offered results stating that most black moms believe that their babies clearly do not understand what is right or wrong compared to other moms who believed their children already knows what they are doing and should be taught about authority. African-American Parenthood Black parents are most likely to raise their kids by following how they were brought up when they were young compared to white people and other ethnic groups. Read the original story via Our Everyday

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