African American Gangs In The 1970's

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With the civil rights movements of the African American race, gangs in the 1960’s grew as fighting for the attacks being made against them for their civil liberties. African American street gangs formed in large urban cities like Chicago and New York. They formed under names in New York like “Savage Skulls” and “La Familia.” Gang fights that once used brass knuckles were now advancing to the use of guns ( The access to and easy access to automobiles, and lethal weapons, led to the rise in drive by shootings. Black gangs like the conservative vice lords were in constant conflict with white gangs. As an expanding black population, they literally were able to fight their way into turfs and gangs began to form multi-neighborhood branches (Hadergon 201). The behavior displayed by street gangs added fuel to the fire for both sides of these arguments in motivations for gang members. Lorine A. Hughes and James F. Short Jr. state there is evidence that even among those affected, there is little evidence that activism replaced illegal activities and neighborhood violence. Instead, traditional activities such as theft, assaults and extortion were still carried out. Black gangs in the 1960’s were involved in racketeering and political issues, while still killing one another and assisting in killings (Hadergon 203). 1970’s …show more content…

Making them two of the most famous gangs known for the pure hate they have for one another

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