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The Unintended Consequences of the Affordable Health Care Act
The impact of the Affordable Care Act on healthcare
Affordable Care Act and uninsured
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Hetaf Alhariry 1. Describe two to three performance measures that an analyst could use to assess the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act. The New York Times article discusses several. Three measures that can assess whether the Affordable Care Act has been effective would be as follows: the decrease in uninsured, the improvement of health, and the decreasing cost of insurance. Decrease in uninsured – In general, the Affordable Care Act has reduced uninsured rates by overall 25% [New York Times]. According to Gallup polls, “Gallup has recorded a drop in the percentage of American adults without insurance from 18 percent in mid-2013 to 13.4 percent by the end of May” [ibid]. Three to four million adults became new recipients of health insurance as a matter of the law. Improvement of health – “… Most experts say it is too soon to tell … the ability of more people to get mammograms, colonoscopies or just routine checkups […]” [NYT]. However, the law makes young Americans fall under their parents’ insurance coverage up to 26 years old, rather than the previous practice of 19 years. This offers young Americans seven more coverage years before they embark on being covered under their own plans. As such, the rate of young Americans going for …show more content…
specialized medical checkups have increased, and this activity correlates to early disease detection, and leads to improved health standards. Decreasing cost of insurance – 7.3 million Americans who previously could not afford insurance have since been able to sign up for it after the passing of the Affordable Care Act. This is only made possible through government subsidizing of the premiums that artificially decrease the price tags handed to qualified recipients. The premiums, however, increased in 145 markets, 58 of which have double-digit percentage increases. Only 17 markets show decline rates. 2. Based on the measures you selected and the information presented in the two articles, how would you evaluate the effectiveness of the law to date? Why might this be a difficult question to answer? I think the law is effective but the implementation is problematic. First of all, there is nothing wrong to make medical insurance accessible to all walks of life. The potential cost of bearing with an unhealthy nation far outweighs the cost to subsidize or implement it. The law is effective when we see the number of formerly-uninsured people brought in to coverage has greatly increased. When coverage extends to young people particularly, the overall cost of medication throughout one’s life can be reduced because health is easier to gain when young. The implementation or mechanism of execution of this law is a shame.
Obamacare, a government initiative, is based upon an existing fact in America called ‘privatized medical service’. Obamacare has to work along the lines of private businesses – hospitals and insurers in this sense – in order to carry out a government objective. Medical price tags have not actually changed. Rather they have increased citing that government is now freely subsidizing millions of young Americans. The power of price tagging still belongs to the private sector but the access of funds leads to government coffers. I think the implementation as it stands today is a disaster, promoting inefficient government spending and medical
racketeering. This is a difficult question to answer, especially when it touches the topic of rights. The imposing of fines on those who opt out seems to make freedom of choice a crime. To date, individuals or companies who opt out are made to pay a fine of refusal to cover employees under the regulation of the Affordable Care Act. The mandatory nature of the law unnecessarily increases business costs to many establishments, reducing their profit margins and leading to a reduction of workers. This still does not solve the problem because when the prices are not controlled, insured employees are led back to the problem of unaffordable medical care (even post-subsidy). In certain areas, only a single insurance provider exists, creating a mini-monopoly of insurance services, thereby having the one-way power to influence prices (profiteering).
The aim of affordable care act (ACA) was to extend health insurance coverage to around 15% of US population who lack it. These include people with no coverage from their employers and don’t have coverage by US health programs like Medicaid (Retrieved from, https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/affordable-care-act/). To achieve this, the law required all Americans to have health insurance which is a reason of controversy because, it was inappropriate intrusion of government into the massive health care industry and insult to personal liberty. To make health care more affordable subsidies are offered and the cost of the insurance was supposed to be reduced by bringing younger, healthier people to the health insurance system. This could be controversial, if older, sicker people who need the coverage most enter the market but younger group decline to do so. The insurance pool will be unbalanced and the cost of coverage will rise correspondingly.
Due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law on March 23rd, 2010; health care in the US is presently in a state of much needed transition. As of 2008, 46 Million residents (15% of the population) were uninsured and 60% of residents had coverage from private insurers. 55% of those covered by private insurers received it through their employer and 5% paid for it directly. Federal programs covered 24% of Americans; 13% under Medicare and10% under Medicaid. (Squires, 2010)
"The Pros and Cons of ObamaCare." UPMC. N.p., 6 Nov 2013. Web. 14 Apr 2014.
There is an ongoing debate on the topic of how to fix the health care system in America. Some believe that there should be a Single Payer system that ensures all health care costs are covered by the government, and the people that want a Public Option system believe that there should be no government interference with paying for individual’s health care costs. In 1993, President Bill Clinton introduced the Health Security Act. Its goal was to provide universal health care for America. There was a lot of controversy throughout the nation whether this Act was going in the right direction, and in 1994, the Act died. Since then there have been multiple other attempts to fix the health care situation, but those attempts have not succeeded. The Affordable Care Act was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and passed in the house on March 21, 2010. President Obama signed it into law on March 23 (Obamacare Facts). This indeed was a step forward to end the debate about health care, and began to establish the middle ground for people in America. In order for America to stay on track to rebuild the health care system, we need to keep going in the same direction and expand our horizons by keeping and adding on to the Affordable Care Act so every citizen is content.
The United States spends vast amounts on its healthcare, while falling short of achieving superiority over other developed nations. One cannot overlook that the deepening recession has left many without jobs and therefore lacking health insurance. According to Fairhall and Steadman, (2009), even though the recession is hard on all, it is worse on the uninsured due to health care and insurance cost rising faster than incomes. Nevertheless, even those with jobs are lacking in health insurance due to employers, who provide insurance, are increasingly dropping their sponsored insurance. Many find that purchasing a health policy or paying for medical care out-of-pocket is cost prohibitive. “Since the recession began in December 2007, the number of unemployed Americans has increased by 3.6 million,” (Fairhall & Steadman, 2009). In 2009 it was stated that approximately 46 million Americans were uninsured, however not all of that number is due to the inability to afford coverage. According to a 2009 story written by Christopher Weaver of Kaiser Health News, 43% of that number should be classified as “voluntarily” uninsured. This subset of uninsured Americans consist of nearly half being young and healthy; therefo...
Therefore, the Affordable Care Act increased access to healthcare. The group that benefited the most was the individuals with pre-existing conditions. Prior to Affordable Care Act, insurance companies had the right to deny the application of those with pre-existing condition like asthma and diabetes. However, with the ACA, insurance companies cannot deny their application and they can’t increase their premium. Another group that had advantages of this new act are the poor people. People who are up to 138% of poverty level or the individuals that make less than $15,854 a year will be eligible for
Health insurance, too many American citizens, is not an option. However, some citizens find it unnecessary. Working in the health care field, I witness the effects of uninsured patients on medical offices. Too often, I see a “self-pay” patient receive care from their doctor and then fail to pay for it. Altogether, their refusal to pay leaves the office at a loss of money and calls for patients to pay extra in covering for the cost of the care the uninsured patient received. One office visit does not seem like too big of an expense, but multiple patients failing to pay for the care they receive adds up. Imagine the hospital bills that patients fail to pay; health services in a hospital are double, sometimes triple, in price at a hospital. It is unfair that paying patients are responsible for covering these unpaid services. Luckily, the Affordable Care Act was passed on March 23, 2010, otherwise known as Obamacare. Obamacare is necessary in America because it calls for all citizens to be health insured, no worrying about pre-existing conditions, and free benefits for men and women’s health.
The Affordable Care Act benefits to reconstruct the healthcare system by giving more Americans access to superiority, reasonable health insurance and supports to curtail the growth of healthcare spending in the U.S. People with health insurance will have access to a number of new benefits, privileges, and defenses which ensure that they can get treatment when they need it. This helps over 32 million Americans afford health care who could not get it before. It not only helps the consumers but also our budget and economy on a more stable path by reducing the discrepancy by more than $100 billion over the next ten years. Since there are millions of people with health insurance, it will also increase the demand of healthcare provider as more jobs will be open which will help our economy (Mowrey, 2013).
Many changes in health care insurance have been made to increase the amount of individuals with health insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted in 2010 in efforts to help solve some of the biggest issues that Americans faced with health care and its availability (The White House, 2016). As of today, more than 9 out of 10 Americans have health insurance (The White House, 2016). This means that 20 million people have gained health insurance since the ACA was enacted (The White House, 2016).
In March 2010, under the Obama administration, the United States enacted major health-care reform. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 expands coverage to the majority of uninsured Americans, through: (a) subsidies aimed at lower-income individuals and families to purchase coverage, (b) a mandate that most Americans obtain insurance or face a penalty,
If the United States had unlimited funds, the appropriate response to such a high number of mentally ill Americans should naturally be to provide universal coverage that doesn’t discriminate between healthcare and mental healthcare. The United States doesn’t have unlimited funds to provide universal healthcare at this point, but the country does have the ability to stop coverage discrimination. A quarter of the 15.7 million Americans who received mental health care listed themselves as the main payer for the services, according to one survey that looked at those services from 2005 to 2009. 3 Separate research from the same agency found 45 percent of those not receiving mental health care listing cost as a barrier.3 President Obama and the advisors who helped construct The Affordable Care Act recognized the problem that confronts the mentally ill. Mental healthcare had to be more affordable and different measures had to be taken to help patients recover. Although The Affordable Care Act doesn’t provide mentally ill patients will universal coverage, the act has made substantial changes to the options available to them.
The main advantage of the Affordable Care Act is that it lowers health care costs overall by making insurance affordable for more people. First, it wi...
The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, is a new health policy created by the American federal government. Its purpose is to make healthcare more affordable and friendly for the people. Unfortunately in some way that does not prove to be the case. It is becoming apparent that Obama may have made some misleading statements to help get the ACA put into action. The ACA is sprinkled with many flaws that call for a reform such as people’s current plans being terminated, high costs, and at minimum some people’s hours being cut by their employers.
According to Roy, 2013 the issues of providing the affordable care act will unite both the supporters and offenders of the public policy, but in this current situation where the input costs are rising, it will become impossible for government in managing the public policy related to affordable health care. In order to provide affordable health care, majority of the US government has tried out different policies time to time, but unable to get success in realizing the actual policy goals. By providing the affordable health care to majority of the people who requires more amount as controlling the input cost is not possible (AAMC, 2013). Lack of doctors is one of the primary issue in providing high quality health care to the citizens especially those who are financially poor. The Supreme Court of the country passed an Act related to Health insurance as all should have Health Insurance to all the country people by the year 2014, but the at the same time government is concerned about constitutionality of these act (NYTimes, 2013).
Health insurance facilitates entry into the health care system. Uninsured people are less likely to receive medical care and more likely to have poor health. Many Americans are foregoing medical care because they cannot afford it, or are struggling to pay their medical bills. “Adults in the US are more likely to go without health care due to cost” (Schoen, Osborn, Squires, Doty, & Pierson, 2010) Many of the currently uninsured or underinsured are forced accept inferior plans with large out-of-pocket costs, or are not be able to afford coverage offered by private health insurers. This lack of adequate coverage makes it difficult for people to get the health care they need and can have a particularly serious impact on a person's health and stability.