Aesthetic Pleasure and Theories

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When it comes to aesthetic pleasure, there are many ways of arriving at the notion that something is aesthetically pleasing or something is art, cultures differ, but there are four theories that allow discussion on how or why something is aesthetically pleasing. These theories are; The Theory of Expression, The Theory of Representation, Institutional Theory and Formal Theory. But before proceeding one must understand what aesthetic pleasure is. Aesthetic pleasure is the pleasure received from seeing or hearing something beauty, as long as something is beautiful then that something is art. would support my argument by stating on its website that aesthetics pleasure is “pertaining to a sense of the beautiful or to the philosophy of aesthetics.”
Many cultures have different ideas on what art is but they all use specific theories to identify something that is beautiful by extension art. In the hip hop culture where rap is its music, the song ‘Homecoming’ by Kanye West featuring Chris Martin can be discussed on why or how it is art with the use of The Theory of Represe...

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