Advantages of MySQL over Oracle

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Advantages of MySQL over Oracle:
MySQL is a fast, reliable, robust and open source database system that has a large number of features too offer. Administration and security are effective and are easily setup. MySQL would be recommended for more of a medium sized business where processing data to and from the database wasn’t so enormous, it is more suited and aimed towards websites.
MySQL does lack some features that oracle offer but the development team seem to be added new features to MySQL on a regular bases. MySQL is more suited for a website or smaller companies that don’t require massive amounts of database usage.
Advantages of Oracle over MySQL:
Oracle is a much larger database software, it can handle much more database requests and manage more transactions than MySQL. MySQL take resources from the system to processes the requests which can put a large load on the system. However oracle has a built in memory management feature that spreads the load across multiple threads making it much faster and less effective on the system running it.
Oracle is mainly used by larger companies, this is due to the licensing costs or due to the amount of data they are processing. MySQL uses the memory of the system to process so you will see a decrease in the system over time or after a couple of thousands of rows of data, Oracle is less effective on the system and is mainly used by companies that are processing large amounts of data such a data warehouse. Oracle’s backup feature is much faster and better than the MySQL, It saves a backup in seconds/minutes whereas MySQL can take forever. 2014. MySQL vs. Oracle Security
Concurrency is a feature that allow multiple users of a database to read, modify or updat...

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...contains information about all the updates to the database. A log file usually contains Transaction reports and checkpoint records.
Write-Ahead Logging: This is when the transaction is entered into the system log before it is even written to the database.
Steal /No Steal: If a cached page is updated by a transaction cannot be written to the disk before the transaction commits, its known as a No-Steal Approach. If writing before the transaction commits it’s known as a steal approach.
Force / No-Force: If all updates made by a transaction are immediately written to the database by a commit it’s known as a ‘Force’. If it’s not immediately written it’s a ‘no-force’.
Checkpoints: A checkpoint is a synchronisation between the database and the system log file. A checkpoint record is logged at intervals when the system writes out to disk all buffers that have been modified.

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