Advantages And Disadvantages Of Minimalist Running Shoes

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The purpose of this report is to state the advantages and disadvantages of minimalist running shoes and compare those to the traditional conventional running shoes. Running has been growing in popularity since 1970 and consequently so has running shoes10. In the last two years, running participation in the United States has increased by 10.3%. This is a total of 35.5 million people11. Because participation is growing, shoe wear is continually being altered in order to fit the needs of runners. Recently, there has been a high demand for a minimalist style of running shoes. Minimalist running shoes are meant to replicate running barefoot, while protecting the foot from rough terrain. Compared with the conventional running shoe, minimalist shoes have less cushioning, thinner soles, and a lighter weight. These conditions allow for a difference in foot strikes, and running gait. Foot strikes where on the foot makes contact with the ground. Running gait is how your foot and body respond to the running action. Many believe that the changes minimalist shoes bring allow for the runner to reach their full potential and help them run with their natural stride and gait.
Dating back to our primal ancestors, people would go barefoot when running. Over time, they began to wear protective foot coverings in order to avoid injury from dangerous terrain. Today, the conventional running shoe has more traction, support, and cushioning for the foot. Materials of shoes have become more breathable, comfortable, and even more durable12. Though there is a wide variety of running shoes available for many different foot types, injury rates in runners have yet to decrease. People have questioned if these running injuries have to do with shoes...

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...ner stayed with conventional running shoes15.

Minimalist running has only become popular in the last several years. Because of this, studies are too new to tell any long term effects that may occur. This being said, the positive and negative effects on injury have yet to be determined in minimalist running7. Research has verified that our bodies will accommodate to the shoes that we adapt and train in. No matter what shoe is worn, our bodies will become efficient15. As of current research, not one form of running is better than the other, it really just comes down to preference. Just because something work for one person doesn’t mean it work for another person. Though minimalist running does help people and prevents various types of injuries, this may not be the case for all people. All running is adaptive no matter what style you are willing to try.

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