Aol Vs Time Warner Merger Essay

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When entrepreneurs plan their business future they will consider how they can increase their business size or profit in a short period. Entrepreneurs may consider growing their business or company by using a merger or an acquisition. These methods can be a speed up tool and a short cut to enlarge their business. (Burns, 2011) Also they can reduce competition, make it easier for entrepreneurs to think about the market and product development and risk reduction. Furthermore, some lesser – known companies can improve their firm’s image and market power by using merger and acquisition with larger firms. However, there may be risks associated with merger and acquisition related to lack of finance and time. (Burns, 2011) This essay will discuss more …show more content…

There were some major reasons to make it failure. Firstly, both companies had never worked together so it bought up with issues which are both companies did not care if the business can work out or not. Secondly, both companies had different financial methods, with AOL preferring to use primarily inventory option while Time Warner based on the division performance. Both reasons are based on lack of communication between both companies did not communicate enough. Thirdly, AOL is running like a big family but Time Warner is a ‘fiefdom company’. Finally, AOL was trying to change the world while Time warner is trying to defend the business world. This shows that both companies’ vision is completely different which made their acquisition nerve work out. Table 2b: AOL and Time Warner different environment and the strategy Sources: AOL – Time Warner’s Merger and its Failure This table shows the different environment and the strategy of AOL and Time Warner. AOL can provide an internet platform while Time Warner is top cable provider which support broadband support. Graph 2c: AOL and Time Warner Development Industry analysis Sources: AOL – Time Warner’s Merger and its Failure These two graphs show the development timing of AQL and time Warner, in this table it show us that both companies development timing was extremely different. AOL is at the beginning of the development but Time Warner is almost at the end of the development. Graph 2d: AOL and Time Warner net income before and after merger and

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