Adrian Hough When Calls The You Remember Analysis

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Every now and again, there is an actor who once you see him/her on TV or in a film, his/her on-screen presence tends to linger even though you may only witness his/her prowess sporadically due to your frenetic schedule. Or perhaps this actor is such an immaculate performer that when you see his/her again, you don't even realize it, for he/hse so completely immerses himself/herself within the role at hand. Character actors are not just a thing of yesteryear. Indeed, they are alive and well even today, and I had the supreme honor to recently interview one of the paramount character actors of our time (at least in my opinion). In my limited experience, Adrian Hough is best known for his portrayal of the reverend in season one of When Calls the …show more content…

When I was eleven years old, I got admitted into these Saturday morning classes--extra education for gifted kids, they called it. That surprised me and my parents and everybody. I remember going there, and they had things like anthropology and geology--various historical things. But the thing that really appealed to me--'cause I was kind of a shy kid--was mime and creative drama. The teacher was this guy called Brian Taylor, who basically took me under his wing. I walked into the classroom, and the first thing he showed us how to do was the wall in mime. And for me, there was something magical about creating an illusion that people respond to. And that was kind of key for me. Something inside me went, "That! That's what I should be doing! That's what I wanna do. I wanna be able to create that kind of …show more content…

And when I was around twenty, I thought, "It's time I opened my mouth and said something." So I decided that the best actors I had seen were in all these BBC dramas--British things. So I said, "Well, why don't I go and see if I could become a British actor?" And so I did that. {laughs} I actually went for about eight or nine years; I lived in London. While I was there, I got to work with Peter Capaldi from Dr. Who. I actually got to play his Scottish brother. He's a Scot, so he taught me my Scottish accent. And I did have an idea that I was somebody who could change and morph and become lots of different things. That was my create the illusion of things and to move

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