Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany

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June 28, 1919 marks the day that World War I came to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Less notably, it also marks the day that Adolf Hitler fully committed himself to strengthening Germany after it was brutally weakened by the causes within the Treaty of Versailles. Like a Phoenix rising out of its ashes, he wished to see Germany rise out of the metaphorical shackles that were locked by the victorious powers in World War I. During the interwar period, and leading up to the outbreak of WWII, Hitler presented himself as the strong, self-confident politician that Germany needed to lead the country back to its prior greatness. With a huge following both nationally and internationally, many bought into the image that Hitler presented. However, many still wondered who the real Adolf Hitler was. They wondered if they were dealing with the Hitler of Mein Kampf, lulling his opponents to sleep with fair words in order to gain time to arm his people? Or is it the Hitler who was has discovered the burden of responsible office, and wanted to extricate himself, like many an earlier tyrant, from the commitments of his irresponsible days? Thus the riddle that had to be solved (Ascher 2012, 5-6). However what part of the riddle is known to be solved are the negative parts but there is more to this man than the unfortunate events that occurred under his control of Germany such as awareness to health problems in Germany and finding ways to prevent and cure diseases.
The most commonly known fact about the Leader of the Third Reich (Kershaw 1987, 3) was that he was very aware of how important his ‘omnipotent’ image was to his leadership position and the strength of the regime (Kershaw 1987, 3). Hitler, himself as is well known, p...

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...g Jews and Gypsies (Proctor 2000, 7). Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler was for finding the causes of cancer, learning ways to prevent cancer and promoting good health in Germany.

Works Cited

Ascher, Abraham. 2012. Was Hitler a Riddle? Western Democracies and National Socialism. California: Standford University Press.

Bunting, James. 1976. Adolf Hitler. India: Jaico Publishing House. PDF

Hitler, Adolf. 2010. Mein Kampf. Germany: Bottom of the Hill.

Kershaw, Ian. 1987. The ‘Hitler Myth’ Image and Reality in the Third Reich. New York: Oxford University Press.

Proctor, Robert. 2000. The Nazi War on Cancer. Princeton, NJ: University Press.

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