Adam And Eve Research Paper

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As previously written, God creates Adam and Eve and puts them into a Garden of Eden to live for eternity as long as the obey God. Adam and Eve eat the fruit from the forbidden and as a consequence God expels them from the Garden of Eden. Their disobedience to God becomes known as "The Fall of Man, Failure of Man or the Original Sin." Adam and Eve begin a family together eventually having three sons named Cain, Abel and Seth followed by two unnamed daughters and two more unnamed sons. Adam lives to be nine-hundred and thirty years of age, but there is no reference in the Old Testament as to Eve's age when she dies.

The next few pages are compare the similarities of the stories between the Old Testament and the older Sumerian, Akkadian and …show more content…

Eve's name when translated into ancient Hebrew is "Hawwah: which means "giver of life" or "source of live" and comes from the Hebrew name "Chawwah" which means "to breathe." The name "Chawwah" comes from the ancient Hebrew root name "Chawat" and when translated into English means "Asherah" who was the mother goddess of the Canaanite Pantheon. The Sumerian goddess Nin-tu's name when translated Nin means "Lady of Life" and tu means "Lady of the Rib."

Adam and Eve become mortal beings and are banished from the Garden of Eden to live their lives until they die. This scenario of losing the chance of immortality can also be found in the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is a serpent in both the Old Testament and in the Epic of Gilgamesh that is responsible for the loss of immortality for Adam and Eve as well as Gilgamesh.

From the Epic of Gilgamesh, the main character searches for and locates plants that will give him immortality. These plants live in a deep river or lake and after swimming down to the bottom of the river or lake to retrieve the plants he begins his journey …show more content…

Later in Genesis 3:5 Adam and Eve, will gain intellect and knowledge after their loss of innocence.

Another similar version of Adam and Eve comes from the Avesta whose characters were Mashya and Mashyana became the first man and woman on the Earth. In ancient Persia, the name Mashya came from the root name Masya which means "mortal being" which is similar to the name Adam which in ancient Hebrew means "man, human-kind or mankind."

There are three different versions of God's creation of Adam and Eve. From Genesis 2:7, written by the Jahwist source, man is created first followed by verses 21-22 the female is created while neither has a name. Later in Genesis 1:26-27, written by the Priestly source, the creation of male and female occurs at the same time and again no name is given to either of them.

Afterwards, in Genesis 3:9, written by the Jahwist source, God gives a name to the first male, Adam who in, Genesis 3:20, then names the first female Hawwah.

Written in Genesis 5:2, written by a Redactor source, is the third version of the creation of mankind and this time both male and female are named

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