Actual Crossfit-Personal Narrative

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When I decided I was ready to have kids, I thought I knew all that I was in for. Nights with little sleep, shirts covered in baby puke, rushed dinners, and a constant mess of toys in the living room. Now that I’m a mom of a baby and a toddler, those predictions became my reality. But you know what I wasn’t prepared for? That I’d be doing freakin’ “Mom Crossfit” every day of my life. I’ve never been very strong. I can maybe do fifteen push-ups at a time. I’ve never done a pull-up in my life. Actual CrossFit? I think I’d pass out during the warm up. But now that I’m a mom, I am suddenly expected to lift my twenty and thirty pound kids! Sometimes at the same time! I seriously did not know how physically strong I would have to be to be a mom! …show more content…

The car seat I registered for touts itself as “lightweight and ergonomic”. Ha! When I’m using all of my muscle to carry my baby down the long hall to pick up his brother at school, I’m sure it looks anything but ergonomic. Lifting the car seat with my eighteen pound chunk back into the SUV? That is hard! One time during school pick up, my toddler proceeded to have a total meltdown. The kind where his body goes limp and he refuses to move. Of course my baby was in that car seat so I had no other choice but to one-arm that car seat and throw my fit-throwing toddler on my other hip. Somehow I made it down that long hallway and out to the car. I’ve never felt so strong in my entire life! What’s that saying? Something like, “Sometimes we have no idea how strong we are until we have no other choice.” Moms just get stuff done, even when you aren’t sure you’re physically capable. Times I've been surprised at my new found Mom

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