Acquainted The Night

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“Acquainted in the Night” is a poem by Robert Frost which was published in 1928. In the poem, Frost talks about how lonely he was when he was walking at night in the streets which had then been isolated. For the whole period that he walked past the city limits covering every available lane, he did not find anything that would help him in comforting the depression that he had. His unwillingness to talk to anyone was evident when he failed to express his feelings to the people he made contact with, majority of them being watchmen. This is because the narrator has the notion that even if he did talk to someone, no one would be able to understand him. When he hears a cry from a distance, he quickly brushes off relations to that cry because he is …show more content…

This is because throughout the poem, the narrator has dwelled upon the depression that he goes through in isolation. In each of these instances, he give vivid descriptions of how the events affect and influence his thoughts sending him into even deeper depression. The complete isolation which he is in emerges in the poem as the most indicative clue manifesting his depression. The emphasis of this is seen in the author’s choice of words where he decides to use first person term “I” to start every seventh sentence of the poem. The watchman has been brought into the picture in the poem but does not seem to be playing any important role in relations to the emotions. In fact, his presence further explains the extent in which the narrator was depressed because the narrator continues to use “I” while disregarding the watchman’s presence and understanding of his situation. In the same way, the cry does not make any impact towards the narrator’s isolation because he knows pretty well that there is nobody waiting for him at home thus the cry cannot in any way be his. This in a significant way expresses the narrator’s critical mental …show more content…

Even the few that may be available may not be able to notice his agony in the darkness. This is a person who has chosen to create a luminary clock, different from the normal clock that provides definite time, so that he can satisfy his conscious in his solitude operations. His modes of operation therefore provides very minimal chances of ever getting of the pit that he has sent himself into because it has literally constructed a depression circle from which escaping is

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