Accommodating Differences in Education

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Teachers must work in a diverse classroom which requires the educator to exceed or at least meet the needs of their students. Students will have different personalities, skills, interests and learning needs. New teachers find diverse classrooms very challenging to individualize a lesson plan. Instructing a class of students that are not all identical to each other is rewarding. Teaching a group of different pupils will give a new teacher professional improvement and development. Instructing a class encompasses a many different methodologies, teaching procedures, interaction configurations, and responsibilities. Most new teachers feel no confidence in their teaching abilities. When they do have a diverse class with special needs, English language learners, and different cultured students it may cause them some concern.

While everyone in a classroom are never the exact same they do all share many traits. The first trait is that all students are humans and need to be respected. Each student is there to learn, no student comes to school wanting to fail. Fallibility is another trait everyone has, mistakes happen to all. Recognition is an enormous trait within a class; all students want to be acknowledged. More positive characteristics are enthusiasm, adaptability, and humility. These characteristics are unique in each student, but they all have them.

There are many challenges for an educator when they have a diverse class like this. The biggest challenge is actuality reaching every student. Every student needs their own attention and guidance in school. Another challenge would be the extra time needed to change the lesson plans to fit each student. Having the correct material necessary to teach must be overcome by the majority o...

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...fferent cultures found in the class and find their similarities. Then compare the difference between them. The students can dress up and have a culture fair and listen to different cultural music.

Assessment: Talk with the students to see what positive things they picked up from each culture.

Works Cited

Collier V., Thomas W., & George Mason University. (n.d.). Educating Linguistically and

Culturally Diverse Students in Correctional Settings. Retrieved October 12, 2011, from the Web

Ormrod, J. E. (2011). Educational psychology: Developing learners (6th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Strategies for Inclusive Teaching: Plan for Diversity in Teaching. (2008). Retrieved October 12,

2011, from the Web

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