Abuse Of Social Media In The Workplace

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One's actions on social media outside of the workplace, if abused, can present serious consequences. While social media in the workplace has its advantages but there are also serious consequences with social media in the workplace. One of the serious consequences of social media in the workplace is that social media use can problematical which can lead employees to become addicted to using social media thus making it a health hazard (Teo, 2006). Social media addiction is behaviour based employees can be exposed to social media that can result with them using it more often than doing their work (Teo, 2006). Abuse of internet usage is different to that of cyber loafing in terms of dangerousness which exploitation of internet usage is connected …show more content…

This means that due to social media posts written by other people can be read by employees if their account does not have strict privacy settings (https://www.careeraddict.com). This can result with someone to become easily offended or feel like they are being bullied online eventually reporting their colleagues to their employer depending on the reaction of the employer (https://www.careeraddict.com). Cyberbullying in the workplace is an issue that employers are required to tackle and to take seriously when employees write harassing posts on the internet out of frustration or out of resentment …show more content…

Malware such as spam on social media has to be taken seriously by both employers and employees as a means to prevent any further damage by taking privacy practices (https://www.careeraddict.com). The more social media is being used in the workplace employees could be more likely to become addicted depending on the severity of one's addiction to social media making them less likely to do anything else but go on social media to waste time (https://www.jobcluster.com). This can lead to vast increase of errors which therefore decreases the job performance of an individual leading in the workplace as a result of social media (https://www.jobcluster.com). This means that social media can distract individuals from completing their work as a result of social media which is just a distraction that impedes one's work ethic in the workplace

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