Abortion Should Be Illegal

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How would you feel if someone took away your capability to live? Every child born into this world should be given the right to live, and no one has the authority to take it away. Abortion should be illegal because it is a lucrative industry, encourage promiscuity and emergency contraception (EC) could prevent unexpected pregnancy. Primarily, the abortion industry is lucrative. Planned Parenthood and other abortion organization are huge turnover centres. Abortion doctors make money by performing this immoral act. Those who run abortion businesses make lap of luxury because the median monetary value of a foetus removal performed around week six to ten is $350 at an abortion clinic and $500 at a specialist's office. The abortion price rises according to the number of weeks. Consequently, in 2013 Planned Parenthood made an income of $305.4 million by executing 327,653 embryos in premature births (Clark, 2013). With that much money at stake, the abortion industry has a lot to mislay if abortions are made illegitimate. That is the reason …show more content…

Young people today are very audacious to hold “free sex” with people of the opposite gender. This is not a circumstance we anticipate that most youngsters will be confronting. But the truth is that adolescence are having sex and some young girls are getting pregnant. Moreover, abortion should be illegal because it also promotes an unhealthy culture where they will have few sex partners at the same time. It depicts young people are not afraid of pregnancy because they have been promoted by abortion. The choices pregnancy care centre found that there are around 1 million adolescents in America that become pregnant each year. Of all the teenage women that become pregnant, 67% choose to induce an abortion rather than bear a child. Why does it happen? They are very brave because they have been supported by the law. Therefore, abortion is wrong and should be

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