Abigail And David In 1 Samuel

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In the story of Nabal, Abigail and David in 1 Samuel 25, there are three narrative elements that are strongly emphasized. These include character progress and transformation, characters, and plot conflicts and resolutions. Each of these elements helps to shape the story and give it a strong foundation in order to create a story that the reader enjoys and can take significance from.
In the story, Abigail is the protagonist. Protagonist can be defined as an advocate or champion of a particular cause or idea. Abigail is the good, main character. Ironically, she is married to the antagonist. However, Abigail is the hero of the story. She is told by one of the shepherds that her husband was being ungrateful and selfish and insulting David and …show more content…

Abigail is the protagonist, a beautiful and intelligent woman. Her intelligence is seen through her quick actions to immediately go out to meet David and bring gifts of much food and wine for him and his men. She does not need to ask her husband, she just goes and does. She takes initiative and she is kind. We see this also when she is bowing down to David and says that she will serve him and she saves her foolish husband’s life even though she knows he should be killed. However, she shows good character by telling David to let him live because God is working in him and to leave it up to God. Because of all her efforts and kindness, David blesses her and is very grateful for what she has done. David is a mediocre but still strong character. David respects Nabal and his land and his sheep and makes sure that none of his people ever take anything from him but protect his property. When David sees that it is sheep shearing time, he has some of his men go to Nabal and ask for a small share of what he has in reward of their good service and respect for him. He is rejected and David is furious to hear that he was just insulted instead. David wants to go out and fight him and kill him but he is stopped by Abigail who gives him a change of heart. David agrees to show mercy and is full of thanks to Abigail and blesses her and thanks the Lord for placing her in his life and stopping him. David realizes that …show more content…

It has a punitive plot because Nabal, the unsympathetic, selfish villain undergoes an adverse change of fortune which is death as a result of his foolishness. Each of these narrative elements explained help the reader to really break down each character and understand who they really are and what their motives are. You can even relate to them and connect with them better. The breakdown of the plot is helpful because you get to see where the action is and why emphasis is put on certain areas. All of this gives us a better idea of the author’s purpose and a sense of what they want us to take from this story. This story had good characters and a happy ending which made it enjoyable for the reader. This story teaches us that God is always there watching and always has a plan. It also shows us that God uses people and puts them in our lives at certain times for a purpose. Nothing is coincidental or happens on

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