AOTA Summary And Analysis

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Due to the limited amount of students on the IEP caseload at the Troy School #2, there is no extended school year program for occupational therapy. Through the handout provided to the families, it gave them the opportunity to carryover their child’s skills through the summer. AOTA recognizes social participation as patterns of behaviors that are expected of an individual (AOTA, 2014). Providing play that is both structured and unstructured allows for the child experience a variety of opportunities with their peers. The social participation of a child begins within the family. Family relationships should be the most stable and long lasting for a child. The definition of family has changed over the years, and may differ in meaning depending on the individual (Mulligan, 2014). A strong support system within the family provides the foundation for fostering the development of a child’s sense of …show more content…

The recipe of cloud dough consisted of flour and baby oil, all items less than five dollars combined. This was an important consideration for our population based on socioeconomic status. We hypothesized that parents and other family members will be more involved and take interest in their child’s development if the outside demands of the activity was feasible. The process of making the cloud dough gives the child special ownership of their activity before they engage in playing with the cloud dough. Through making and playing with the cloud dough, it incorporates fine motor skills, bilateral coordination, the tactile system, creativity, play skills, sharing and turn taking. By playing with the alerting texture of the cloud dough can be something that could be incorporated into a child’s sensory plan to reduce stress, anxiety or repetitive behaviors and increase attention in their daily schedule (Frank,

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