Numerous studies have been conducted on various facts regarding Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), focusing on the neurodevelopment and core symptoms which include social deficits, stereotyped and repetitive behaviors, and the frequent lack of communication. Bahrami (2012) states that many other problems often co-occur with this condition including challenging behaviors, comorbid psychopathology, and physical delays and disabilities.
Children have become a focal point for intervention. Notably many efforts have been applied with young children. Suggestions have been made that identifying the condition and collateral behaviors as early as possible would help induce behavior treatment appropriately. ASD can have a long term and significant impact
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Parents hoped that ABA-based interventions would help them and their child return to having some normality in their family life. Parents had also hoped to resolve some frustration from long awaited test results, as well as hoping to bring a better quality of life to their child by approaching ABA-based interventions with positivity. A study conducted by the British Journal of Special Education concluded that ABA-based interventions had a positive impact on children with aggravated frustration and problems due to substantial lack of communication. ABA-based interventions impacted children’s lives positively through communication (e.g., improved eye contact, more affectionate, effective language skills), behavior (e.g., tolerance, longer attention span, reduced frustration), and independence (e.g., toilet trained, able to play with siblings, improved academia in Mathematics and English). All of these were highlighted in drastically improving the child cope with daily …show more content…
Institute was conducted on the education parents are receiving on ASD. ABA-based therapy requires an extensive assessment on environmental factors and interactions that lead to the enhancement of ASD. Another relationship-based approach Responsive Teaching, focuses on educating parents to use strategic strategies that are specific to each child’s developmental and individualized needs. This program highlights its main interventions that are vital to developmental functions such as cognition, communication, social-emotional functioning, and motivation. Parents are encouraged to help their child’s interactions improve with the help of communication, cognition, and social-emotional functioning being effectively used (Vismara, Rogers
Unfortunately, a lot of parents may have a difficult time accepting their child, and coping with their needs and the responsibilities. From the book “The Elephant in the Playroom,” some families dealt with depression and physical and mental deterioration of their health. These struggles were shown in the story by Laura Cichoracki. Laura’s son’s name was Patrick. Patrick was a 6-years-old boy with autism. “I wasn’t eating right, I wasn’t showering regularly, I wasn’t sleeping well” (Brodey, p. 64). I also read the story told by Susan Marrash-Minnerly, which highlighted emotions that parents face. Susan also shed light on how wonderful children with special needs can be to a family, such as her ten-year-old third grader who had autism. Susan talked about how it was normal to feel angry at times, especially with the ups and downs a child’s disability may come with. “When I look back, I want to tell other parents that a child’s future is worth grieving over – but it’s not the end of the world” (Brodey, p. 75). After reading these stories, it became apparent to me that families who are raising kids with special needs, need support, kindness, and available resources. “I was fortunate to be surrounded by other moms who understood my pain…who could be supportive and emphatic.” (Brodey, p. 67). Overall, educators can use this kind of information that was shared in “The Elephant in the Playroom” about family systems and risk/resiliency by creating lines of open communication between families. This is to connect parents together that share similar struggles. By creating open communication is can allows for the teacher and parents to be on the same page when it comes to the issues affecting special needs students and
As Applied Behavior Analyst, we seek to modify a behavior social significant behavior. Our effectiveness can only be measured how much the behavior we set out to modify is changed to a degree in which it makes a difference in the social situations the behavior occurs in. Baer said that this was not a scientific measurement, but a practical one: "its power in altering behavior enough to be socially important, is the essential criterion” (Cooper 17-18). The effectiveness of the research of an ABA effect both the clinical and educational applications of ABA because these cases are the bases of how ABA grows and changes. They are the way we learn and master our field. Even if modifications are later made to older experiments, without them we would not know where to
Incidental teaching focuses on child-initiated interactions. (Hall, 2013) Incidental teaching is used to increase skills of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. (Hall, 2013) A study done by Hart and Risley (1975) looked at the incidental teaching process used at the preschool age to aide in teaching language. Incidental teaching has been the most frequent strategy that has been used to teach language. When using incidental teaching a child’s request may be verbal or nonverbal. Examples include reaching for an object that is out of one’s reach, requesting food or a toy or calling an adult’s name. There is a series of decisions that an adult can use to respond to the child’s request. These choices include: if the occasion should be used for incidental teaching: if so then a choice regarding the language behavior that is obtained from the child, and then a choice has to be made concerning the cue that will be used to initiate instruction, the cur could be focus of attention by itself, or in addition to the focused attention a verbal cue as well. If the individual does not respond to the cue, then a choice concerning the degree of prompt to be used, the “fullest degree: a request for imitation; medium degree: a request for partial imitation, or minimal degree: a request for the terminal language behavior.” (Hart & Risley, 1975) This study was performed on boys and girls between the ages of four years old to five years old. The baseline procedures ensured that the children had a variety of vocabulary for use in sentences. The sentences that they were taught was “I want x so I can y.” The second step of the procedure was the use of incidental teaching of compound sentences directed to teachers. After thirty-six days of school, the incidental teaching began to occur when the children needed assistance in trying to get different preschool materials.
... cited in Dorey et al., 2009). This large percentage indicates that extinction of these reinforcers could lead to a decrease in these behaviors. An earlier study supported this claim by conducting research with children with Autism engaging in SIBs. Hanley, Pizaaz, Fisher, and Maglieri (2005) developed a study with a young boy with Autism who engaged in SIBs. After a functional assessment, the researchers found that his behaviors had been maintained by tangibles and attention. Whenever the subject began producing maladaptive behaviors, his mother would present a toy and verbal attention in order to elicit calmness. Similar to the research completed by Dorey et al. (2009), the researchers extinguished this reinforcement and rewarded alternative positive behaviors. When this was carried out, the SIBs decreased and more acceptable forms of communication were utilized.
...c Observation Schedule, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale, and McArthur Communication Development Inventory to measure the communication and aversive behavior frequency of the participants. After the procedures were complete, results demonstrated that advances were made in both of the dependent measures that utilized ABA with NET and DTT combined (Matson & Konst, 2013, p. 476). Comparable results were also found by Zachor and Ben-Itzchak (2010) who conducted a similar study with more dependent measures including communication, language, comprehension, daily living skills, motor skills, visual perception, and social behaviors (as cited in Matson & Konst, 2013). Thus, this research demonstrates that comprehensive ABA programs can be an ideal method of treatment not only for school-aged children and adults with ASD, but for EI individuals as well (Matson & Konst, 2013).
The cause of AS is still very much unknown.Children with Asperger syndrome start to show signs as early as one to two years old; however a diagnosis is rarely given until later, usually around the ages of th...
The author emphasises a unique approach to each individual who falls on the spectrum because each problem can be approached numerous ways to find a proficient solution. The author advocates that each individual experiencing ASD find a program or learning approach that works favorably for them. Siegel denotes that no two educational programs or teaching methods are the same, nor is there any program that is more effective than the other. When choosing a program, one must consider personal ability, necessary accommodations, and whether or not the curriculum is developmentally appropriate.
Stoner, J. B., & Thompson, S. J. (2005). Welcome to our World: Parent perceptions of interactions between parents of young children with ASD and education professionals. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 20(1), 39-51.
“Your child has autism spectrum disorder” are words no parent wants to hear. They are words that will instill fear, worry, and sadness. When parents hear this for the first time, they will have many questions. “Is there anything I can do to help my child? If so, what can be done?” Early intervention services; such as applied behavior analysis therapy, occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, and speech therapy before the age of three; can help improve the development of children with autism spectrum disorder. As an educator, early intervention is a subject teachers should be well educated in. It would be beneficial to the educator and the student, for a teacher to know and understand early intervention strategies.
Completed Studies involving ABA therapy have shown improvements in communication, social relationship’s, and school for children who suffer from Autism Spectrum Disorder. Results also showed that ABA also increased participation in family and community activities. MY theory involves creating individual customized intervention plans that will addresses the specific need of the participant, while also teaching the parent. Logically parents are our first teachers, and with that being said if parents are trained the progress would be more significant than without their participation.
Children, who suffer from autism, and other related developmental disabilities, require effective treatment that is child guided, strength-based, and goal specific. The desired skills and interventions for this population mandate the interventions, in most cases remain generalized to daily activities of life. The purpose of having a generalized approach to behavioral interventions and change is to promote the subject’s ability to port the acquired skills learned into daily life activities, to reach the subjects maximum level of autonomy. According to Eldevik, (2009) there is significant evidence that supports the use of ABA interventions with children that suffer from ASD. Furthermore, Eldevik, (2009) states that “children with ASD that receive Applied
Autism is a form of neurodevelopment disorder in the autism spectrum disorders. It is characterized by impaired development in social interactions and communication, both verbal and non-verbal. There is an observed lack of spontaneous acts of communication; both receptive and expressed, as well as speech impairments. A person diagnosed with Autism will also show a limited range of activities and interests, as well as forming and maintain peer relationships. The individuals will display limited interests, which are often very focused and repetitive. He or she is likely to be very routine oriented and may show behavioral symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and self-injurious behaviors.
However, a study conducted in 2006 by Vonder Hulls and his colleagues reported that aquatic therapy increases the abilities and skills of a kid on the spectrum. They conducted a survey that analyzed the efficiency of aquatic therapy to children between the ages of four and ten with ASD. This survey focused on identifying the perceived benefits of aquatic therapy from clinician’s perspectives. The survey consisted of three sections. The first section determined the eligibility which required children between the ages of four and ten. The second section consisted of four questions related to the length, duration, and frequency of the aquatic therapy and the third section consisted of twenty-four questions relating to the therapist perceived outcome of aquatic therapy for the children with ASD. Out of the seventy-eight, surveys that were sent out only forty-eight were returned. Sixty-three percent of the aquatic therapist who returned the survey provided therapy for young children with ASD. The aquatic therapies ranged from thirty minutes to an hour with a frequency of one to eight classes per month. The shortest duration of completed treatment reported was three months and the longest being two years. Most of the clinicians reported a substantial increase in skill performance and eight-percent reported positive changes.
A couple of autistic children tend to excel in intelligence as about 40% have above average intellectual disabilities (“What is Autism,1”). Their talent is also impressive, “Many of the positively affected excel in visual skills, music, math and art” (“What is Autism,1”). ASD proves to be a disorder that may luckily impact a person’s life in a positive manner. Despite there being some positivity in autism, there is also a negative side. Autistic children may struggle in their daily lives as “ASD causes difficulties in motor coordination and attention and physical health issues” (“What is Autism,2”).The disorder causes abnormalities that create uncomfortability such as sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances (“What is Autism,2”). ASD also has the ability to antagonize life. ASD will either positively affect someone’s life, or make it an
Lyons, A. M., Leon, S. C., Phelps, C., & Dunleavy, A. M. (2010). The Impact of Child Symptom Severity on Stress Among Parents of Children with ASD: The Moderating Role of Coping Styles. Journal Of Child & Family Studies, 19(4), 516-524.