A ordinary day

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“It Sunday!!! I intend to spend my day doing as little as is humanly possible without actually dying” by Some Card. My ordinary day is on Sunday why? That is the day that I don’t attend to school plus I don’t need to ride the train for a 1hr and 30 minute. It’s one of my favorite day for now. On a Sunday morning I would proximately wake up at 6:15 am fixed my bed .Then take a bath after my bath I put denim and sweater with sneaker. Then I make some coffee for my mother .At that moment I wake her up for the reason she work. Its 6:50am my dogs are barking so I give them food. At 7:30 am I go downstairs and walk my two Papillion dog. Formerly I came up home at 8:00 am my mother is gone and my little brother is awake so I gave him cornflakes and let him watch cartoon on Netflix. So I start cleaning the apartment I also look for the laundry bag and the cart put it in the front door so my sister could go downstairs to the Laundromat. It’s 9:20 am and my sister is still sleeping so I try waking her up but she will go back to sleep. So I go rapidly to the kitchen and start coking rice, bean, steak and grill boneless chicken breast for the reason my sister don’t eat red meat. Its 10:00am and my sister is still sleeping so I need to make a deal with her if I want her to go downstairs so I wake up her up and told that I would give her five-dollar and I would also let her borrow my Marc by Marc Jacob watch for a day, however if mom come home from work and you are still downstairs in the Laundromat you would lose the deal. When my sister Griselda listen to that deal she promptly got ready and when downstairs. It’s 12:00 clock by now and the food is almost ready. I thought my brother was watching TV but, the TV was watching him all this time he...

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...a diary were no one can’t see it. They would share it with the world some of the website that people like me post what they did in the day is twitter, Facebook, Blog and What Sapp if you want text your friend and tell them about your day. I am so grateful that I live in a societies that I could take a walk in a park we my dog, brother and relaxed with a bottle of cranberry juices and no Nazis would come by to try to hurt me or send my brother and me to a concentration camp. The only violence thing that could happen is if I get rob in the park or get shot for nothing.
In conclusion, Anne Frank is an example of role mother in today societies. She shows that she has strength and never gives up her interest of writing in her living conditions. Anne Frank wanted to be a writer and at the end of the war after she died. Her diary was publish by her father till today

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