A Work In Progress By Aimee Mullins

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Adversity is hard to go through, that's why motivation and confidence is the key. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. Some people conquer obstacles in ways others can’t imagine. Yes, it may change you soon, but change is extraordinary as long as you're on the right path. People overcome obstacles by keeping a positive attitude, accepting who they are, and never letting others opinions keep you from being you. People overcome obstacles in many ways, but one way is to have a positive attitude. In the article, “A work In Progress”, Aimee Mullins realizes that she should always keep her head up no matter what. Not everybody is encouraging their whole life, but always having a smile on her face makes her a champion. Towards the end of the movie, “Soul …show more content…

Especially if you have a disability, you have to change your lifestyle to fit your needs. Everyone should know that you can learn your way, you don’t need to learn in a “normal” way. My point is to have positive in your life, not your whole life, I know at some points there’s negativity. The second way to overcome hurdles is to accept who you are and to have confidence. In the article, “ A work In progress”, Aimee Mullins disobeys her father about changing in new clothes for church. Her father believes it's "inappropriate" for her to wear a dress that shows her bolts of her prosthetic. This is not a right way to give your child confidence. It’s also appropriate because she doesn't need anyone to tell her different. Especially, not her father. In the article, “The Story Of My Life”, Helen Keller didn’t think twice about learning how to speak. When she did she realized that she can become successful. Having confidence is key to always having a smile on your face. I’m surprised what others can achieve with disabilities, it shows that nothings impossible. Although life has its ups and downs, always count on yourself to find a way to

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