A Visit To The Cave Essay

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Have you ever been to a cave? Seriously, I have yet to pay a visit in any caves in Malaysia. I am actually so ashamed to admit myself as a Malaysian; I have never visited to any caves with such a natural beauty. Until the day my college provided us to chance to Gua Tempurung. I felt excited at the moment. In the mean time, I was curious and afraid when someone told me that we had to be in the cave for five hours and also need to slide down in some part of the cave, although it was assured to be safe. I was hesitating to go for this trip at the beginning but I decided to join as my friends were going. I also figured that it could turn out to be a precious experience, intricately engraved in my life. The day before the trip, I felt restless as I was so anxious and worry if I could overcome these obstacles in the cave. I wondered that will it turn out to be easy or difficult as I never have any experience in cave. I hope that everything goes well.
The day has finally come. We were told to gather at 6am but some of the people were late, so we left Kuala Lumpur at about 7.15am. It took more than two hours to get to Gua Tempurung. We reached there at about 9.30am. Although I did not get much sleep last night, but I felt energized when the moment I saw the natural beauty around the cave. The guide gave us a short briefing before we start the breathtaking journey to the cave. We left our belongings in the bus and only took what was needed in the cave. We had a warm up session and made our way into the cave.
There were about forty people in the group and we were assigned to a guide. He guided us throughout our journey in the cave. When we first enter the cave, he talked about the formations of stalactites and stalagmites. There were a lot...

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... was not included in our package. The group ended up to be separated. Some went to KFC; and some went to Pizza Hut to have our lunch. I did not finish my food, maybe because I was already full with the satisfying of caving-journey.
Throughout the journey, I felt tired as there were a lot of climbing and sliding involved. There were also times that I felt like I was going to give up. We were in the cave for about four and a half hours and we did not know where to go or when the expedition was going to end. But as I go on, I realized that I have gotten used to the obstacles. I kept telling myself not to give up and that it will be over soon. My thought was to experience this since I have come all the way here. I would not be able to have fun if I do not enjoy it. I was really satisfied. So, do try it out! It is really worthy to pay a visit, in a “Grand Tour” in cave.

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