A Trip To Vegas

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Do you think you have truly experienced the prodigious world? This is my alluring memoir about how I enlightened my perspective. My trip started in Vegas, an amazing city littered with bright lights and casinos. After my snappy visit to Vegas I vacationed in the Grand Canyon. The food was fantastic all throughout the trip, I ate my favorite foods every day. There were many long trips in the car and on planes. I spent the whole trip with my family and I met some super kind people. In My paramount trip I visited the Grand Canyon and Vegas With my family. It started during summer break it was July, 10, I was driving to the airport. I have been waiting patiently for several months now because my family and I are flying to Vegas. We just peeled There were even slot machines in the terminal. After getting our bags, we left the airport. Immediately after stepping outside I felt a rush, it was so hot, it felt like a huge hair dryer was blowing on us. The temperature was 117 degrees outside, that is a record for Vegas. We got into a shuttle bus that luckily had air conditioning to get to our rental car, which was an SUV so we could fit all of our luggage. The traffic was terrible, it took ten minutes to travel less than a mile. When we got in our car we started heading to our hotel. The scenery was insane all the hotels were massive and all light up in the night. One hotel was shaped like a pyramid and others were huge and looked magical! We entered The Venetian hotel, that's where we are staying in Vegas. The hotel is modeled to look Italian and had a water canal running through it. It took a long time to find our room in the monstrous hotel. I hated staying in the rooms (even though they were so nice) because my brother was so annoying! He would always cause me to get scolded. If you have a younger sibling you most likely understand my annoyance. Little siblings acts are influenced on the goal of trying to annoy their older I wish I could live here in Arizona. The land is beautiful and the people are nice. On a side note, I am glad my little brother didn't get in the way of my great trip. I am planning on coming back to both The Grand Canyon and Vegas in the future. I recommend you visit The Grand Canyon and Vegas too, it is a fun and interesting trip! This trip changed my life, I gained a new perspective of the world and realized that in places far from home there is really “Grand” things! I hope my wonderful experience inspires you to visit the same places I did! After my trip I knew I had truly experienced the

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