A Titanic Experience Online

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A Titanic Experience Online

Throughout all of the years I had attended school I had heard the word "Titanic" probably only five times. All I knew of this ship was that it sank and many people died. That was literally the extent of my knowledge about this ship.

One day a friend of mine, who does a little work on movies once in a while, told me about this new movie they were making called "Titanic". He brought in some pictures of the huge set that was built. I looked at the pictures and listened to him talk about how grandiose the ship set was. At the time I was wondering how they could possibly make an interesting movie about a ship that hit an iceberg and sank. I kept thinking more along the lines of a documentary sort of film. Nothing sounded really interesting to me. About a year after I had heard about this movie, I saw the first movie preview. To my surprise it was a love story as well as the story of the tragedy. The story attracted me so much that I wanted to see the movie the first day it came out.

The day finally came and I took, or should I say dragged, my boyfriend to see it with me. From the second it started I was completely mesmerized by the movie. The music, the characters, the set, it was all so wonderful. There was a point in the movie that I was crying and I even forgot that my boyfriend was there with me. He turned to me and asked me why I was crying. I simply turned to him and said, "Shhhh!!". I didn't want him to ruin the mood. As we walked out of the theater I found myself to be a little depressed. The sadness of the tragedy was still on my mind.

The next day I woke up and as I lay in bed the feeling of sadness had not gone away. It was from that moment on that this tragic event in history really came to be a part of my life.

Of course the movie brought out a wave of Titanic-related videos, magazines, articles, etc. People everywhere were talking about "Titanic". I, myself became very interested in learning more and more about the actual ship, the passengers-- PASSENGER LIST --aboard the ship, and the tragic event that occurred.

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