A Student According to Ted Kooser

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Ted Kooser’s poem “Student” underlines how the life of a student truly is. As we were discussing our insights of the poem “Student” by Ted Kooser, Omar Mejia mentioned how he found a comparison with a turtle in the poem. I have imagined a baby turtle and their journey when is born and running trying to reach the sea. Imagine the life of a turtle that their life starts in the sand and after its journey to their future begins. Somehow I agree with this idea. As I imagined the complicate and hard life that a sea turtle must have I also recall how the life of a student could be as hard and complicate. Sometimes the life of a student can be complicated, busy, confusing, struggling, happy, sad, depressing, demanding and joyful and so on and so forth.
The life of a student is a life full of responsibilities Kooser first mentions the best friend of a student “The green shell of his backpack”(Line 1). A backpack that will accompany the student during most of the studying time in which a student will carry their books, notes maybe a computer. As of me I have my backpack most of the time at s...

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