A Sikh Marriage

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A Sikh Marriage

Assisted marriage rather than arranged marriage is the phrase Sikhs

would prefer to describe the procedure of choosing a husband or a

wife. The family assists in finding a partner. Suitability should have

as its criteria virtuous qualities, temperament and age. Social

status, economic position and caste considerations also play an

important role.

On the morning of the wedding day the groom's sister-in-law and other

female relatives go to a Gurduwara to fill an earthen pitcher or

gharoli with water, which is then used to bathe the groom. Thereafter

khare charna is performed in which the groom is made to sit on a stool

for his bath and four girls hold a cloth to his head. A similar

bathing ritual is performed at bride's house as well. The bride is

then made to wear 21 bangles in red ivory and kalerien (dangling

golden metal plates).

The Anand form of marriage was given statutory recognition in 1909,

under the Anand marriage act, it has been observed since early days of

Sikhism. Sikh boys and girls are married according to its form when

they grown-up and fit to undertake matrimonial responsibilities.

Marriages are generally arranged and assisted by parents. Though there

is no bar to the boy and the girl arranging it on their own.

The marriage ceremony is simple but impressive. The bride and the

bridegroom along with their relatives and friends form a congregation

in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib. The couple and their parents

then stand and an Ardas is offered to seek God's blessing. The person

in charge addresses the bride and the bridegroom individually and

explains to them their duties in the new life that they are about to

enter. Anand marriage is sacrament. The Guru is a witness to the

marriage. No writing or document is necessary. The bridegroom is to

vow fidelity to her husband-wife-Ishribrat Dharam while the bride is

to vow fidelity to her husband-Patibrat Dharam. The husband is to

protect the life and honour of his wife, she is to remain content with

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