A Series Of Unfortunate Events: A Bad Beginning Essay

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Have you ever read a book that was labeled as funny or people have said it was funny and it ended up not being funny? Well the reason it was labeled funny when it really wasn’t was because it had elements of humor in it. So it technically counts as a humorous book. In the book A Series of Unfortunate Events *A Bad Beginning*, Lemony Snicket uses the trickster motif, plot twist and dramatic irony. The result however is anything but humorous. The first element of humor the author used was the trickster motif. In this situation the trickster is Count Olaf. The first thing he does is trick Mr. Poe into believing he’s a suitable guardian for the children. He tricks the town when he does the play. He told then that it was pretend when really it wasn’t at all. So he had everybody thinking it was for his acting when he was really doing it for greed. Olaf also tricks the kids at first. When they first meet him they’re kinda of naive. They know that he looks bad but they think maybe he’s nice on the inside. Once they find out he’s not they stop trusting him.But he still figures out a way to get them to let their guards down and …show more content…

He tries to marry Violet. He does this because he wants to get their fortune. This was a plot twist because he is supposed to be her guardian but he tries to marry the child he’s watching. The way he gets her to participate is by stealing her little sister Sunny and locking her in a cage that is hanging off the edge of a tower. This is a plot twist because he is supposed to take care of them and keep them safe. Yet he tries to kill her. At the end of a story you would expect the bad guy to get caught and the good guy to be happy. Well that’s not what happens. Actually the opposite of that happens. Count Olaf gets away and the kids can’t live a good person and be happy. It’s a plot twist because it’s not what usually happens. It seemed like the ending was going to be good but it ended

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