A Secret Lost In The Water Essay

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Synthesis Essay Assignment “My Father Is a Simple Man” by Luis Omar Salinas and “A Secret Lost in the water” by Roch Carrier, explore different experiences and valuable inherence that they have learned from their fathers. Carrier’s protagonist who is motivated by a feeling of regret at not having learned from his father before his death. Conversely, Salinas’ speaker is motivated by a desire to pay respect to his father while he is still alive. At the end of “A Secret Lost in the water”, Carrier’s protagonist “has forgotten his father’s knowledge” (Carrier 36) which means he fails to inherit his father’s “sense of piety” (Carrier 35) and loses the way to find water. On the contrary, Salinas’ speaker still has very strong feelings of affection for his father, notwithstanding his poor treatment of his father while he was alive. The speaker “’d gladly give his life for his father” (Salina 21) because although his father is a “worker and provider” (Salina 30) with “a sixth grade education”, he is a …show more content…

With this intention, the title “A Secret Lost in the Water” is using symbolism. The secret represents the skills that his father teaches him and the gift that is vital to the relationship between father and son. They all lose in the “water” of the narrator’s life. Coupled with these sorrowful facts, Carrier depicts that “nowadays fathers can’t pass on anything to the next generation.”(Carrier 37) which points out children are no longer willing to accept the knowledge from their parents. Different from “A Secret Lost in the Water”, Salina’s speaker always remember that “when his father leaves without the benefit of fanfare or applause” (Salina 35), he still understands how “this little is about greatness” (Salina 37) which express his respect to his father. Inheriting what his father teaches him is the best way to memorize him and keep their

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