A Rose For Emily Analysis

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In the story “A Rose for Emily,” written by William Falkner there is a lady who goes by the name of “Emily.” In Jefferson Emily lived in an old square frame house with her father and servant, Tobe. In the story Emily father basically robs her of her life by being overprotective and running and not letting her interact with other people. Because of her father being over protective of her and feeling as if no one was good enough for her, Emily did not have the opportunity to get to know anyone other than her father and Tobe. When her father dies she lead herself to believed he was not, she did so for three days. The people in the town stepped in and Emily eventually allowed them to bury her father. “After her father’s death she went out very …show more content…

One day a construction worker of the name “Homer Barron” came to town to work on the sidewalks; shortly after Emily and Homer were seen around town together. Though the two struck up a connection, Emily continued to isolate herself from everyone else in the town. One day Emily purchased arsenic poison, another day she also purchased a few manly items. From the looks of the manly items, the town thought Homer and Emily were getting married. One even a neighbor witnessed Homer entering the house at dust, and that was the last they seen of Homer Barron. Sometime after, the neighbors complained about a bad smell coming from the house. No one confronted her, but the aldermen crept into her yard and sprinkled lime to kill the bad smell. Sometimes they saw Emily watching out an open window downstairs in her home. Emily became sick and died at the age of 74 in the room of the downstairs window she watched out of. Emily’s remaining family came to town for the funeral. Tobe admits them into the house and disappears for good out of the back door. For years no one had seen the inside of Emily’s house. The whole town attended her funeral, many people out of curiosity to see her

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