A Rhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln's Pinocchio Campaign

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A hungry man is a dishonest one, according to this Snickers advertisement. The popular advertisement depicts our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln also known as honest Abe as Pinocchio. With a black and white background and bolded text at the bottom stating “You’re Not You When you’re Hungry; Snickers Satisfies”, the president can be seen with an elongated nose. The elongated nose is a reference to the cartoon character Pinocchio. Pinocchio is famous for his nose growing when he lies, it seems this magazine advertisement is implying that hunger changes your character severely. Hunger changed “Honest Abe” to Pinocchio .When producing advertisements companies tend to utilize a barrage of persuasive strategies. Mars Inc., the producers of Snickers …show more content…

It conveys the thought of Snickers chocolate bars satisfying our hunger and returning your normal character. Specifically, using a historically honest figure such as President Lincoln and displaying him as a lair when hungry suggests the idea that being hungry interferes with the morality and individual’s characters. Mars Incorporated developed this advertisement campaign to captivate the attention of everyone – the young, old, black, white, male or female. The specific purpose of the advertisement is to raise the popularity of the candy bar. Using an infamous figure as President Lincoln boosted the advertisements popularity greatly and allowed it to resonate with the audience more. When a famous person is used, a bandwagon is created for civilians to jump on. Consumers tend to believe the advertisementvertisement more when celebrities and historical figures are used. Consumers are also more interested to try the product when they are leadvertisement to believe the product influences the president’s …show more content…

In this advertisement. Abraham Lincoln was juxtaposed with Pinocchio. Abraham Lincoln is widely known as "Honest Abe ". One example of his honesty is when he was younger, he worked as a clerk at a local store. He accidentally shorted one customer six cents and he walked around 3 miles just take the six cents to this customer. As a true testament to his honest character, contrasting him with Pinocchio makes the advertisement more effective. Pinocchio is known for lying. The advertisementvertisers successfully propose that an honest man as Lincoln can become Pinocchio when hungry by juxtaposing their characters and images. Once customers see the contrast in character, they are more inclined to try the product. The drastic juxtaposition allows customers to better understand the purpose of the product. The effect created by the juxtaposition is eat a Snickers bar so you don’t end up someone else when you’re hungry. This effect is the message the advertisementvertisers were seeking to rely to the

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