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Critical analysis of the modest proposal by jonathan swift
Critical analysis of the modest proposal by jonathan swift
Critical analysis of the modest proposal by jonathan swift
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In a “Modest Proposal”, by Dr. Jonathan Swift, the author proposes a solution to the overpopulation and poverty in eighteenth century Ireland. The proposal is for Irish parents to sell their children as food, so they can earn money. The proposal was brought up in the year of 1729, when the problems were present in Ireland. The proposal was a way to get rid of the poverty stricken families, overpopulation, and malnutrition in Ireland. The parents were to plump their children up, by feeding the kid milk from their mother. Once the child reaches one year of age, they will sell him/her to someone of fortune, such as a landlord. In today’s society we have homeless citizens on the streets, families too poor to provide for their children, and a portion
In “A Modest Proposal,” Jonathan Swift writes of the poor men, women, and children of Dublin, Ireland crowding the streets due to the years of drought and crop failure. He estimates that 120,000 children are born each year and asks the question of how these people are to be provided for. Then he tells of his proposal. He states that 20,000 of the 120,000 may be reserved for breeding purposes, while the other 100,000 be sold to dine on. Swift offers several advantages to his proposal some being: the poor tenants will have something of value in their home, the wealth of the nation will greatly increase as well as the cost of caring for the child will be eliminated after a year, and eliminating the food shortages the nation is undergoing. The only counter argument he offers is that killing and eating those infants will decrease the population so much that it will make it easier for England to concur them. He finishes his proposal with a statement that he himself is not interested in making a profit since his own children are past the right age and his wife not being able to have any more children.
In the time frame that Swifts’ A Modest Proposal was written Ireland was going through political, economic, and religious struggles. In 1729 England had contrived, with the help of Irish venality, to wreck Ireland’s merchant marine, agriculture, and wool industry. Prostitutes in Swift’s paper are having kids like senseless people, but yet they can’t afford to feed them. Jonathan Swift proposes that his people should sell the babies and eat them. He thinks this would help solve the problem of over population. Swift tried to give his people pamphlets on how to fix the problem that was plaguing their country, but they ignored them. Swift says “These mothers, instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.”(1) Swift proposes that the mothers sell the babies for 8 shillings; the rich would find the child to be a delicacy and the extra money would go to the landlord. So everyone would benefit from this proposal. He does this as a way of making his people aware of what is going on in their
During the 18th century Ireland was on a very serious crisis. Jonathan Swift decides to write “A Modest Proposal” as a satirical response to this crisis. In that essay he gives a solution for each of the problems that Ireland was having during that time. The main points that he wanted to discuss were domestic abuse, over population, poverty, thieves, and the lack of food. This crisis lead the great nation of Ireland into economical struggles. By all of this problems, the parents couldn’t maintain their children so they needed a solution. Now this incredible man comes with a solution that is going to blow your mind, Swift decides to give them a proposal. It was a really uncommon one but very helpful for them. This proposal is going to stabilize once again the country of Ireland.
A “Modest Proposal” is written by a man who had been exiled from England and forced to live among Irish citizens for many years during which he observed major problems in Ireland that needed a solution. The writer of this piece is Jonathan Swift, and in his proposal, “The Modest Proposal,” Swift purpose is to offer a possible solution to the growing problem of the homeless and poverty stricken women and children on the streets of Ireland. Swift adopts a caring tone in order to make his proposal sound reasonable to his audience, trying to convince them that he truly cares about the problems facing Ireland’s poor and that making the children of the poor readily available to the rich for entertainment and as a source of food would solve both the economic and social problems facing Ireland.
The essay, A Modest Proposal, is a proposal to end the economic dilemma in Ireland by selling the poor’s children, at the age of one, for food. The narrator states, “I think it is agreed by all parties that this prodigious number of children in the arms, or on the backs, or at the heels of their mothers, and frequently of their father, is in the present deplorable state of the kingdom a very great additional grievance” (Swift). According to this proposal, by selling the children for food to the wealthy in Ireland many problems will be resolved. The poor mothers will earn money to live on and will not have to raise children, the wealthy will have a new meat source and “an increase in his own popularity among his tenants” (Sparknotes), and the economy will improve because of all of the market action. In the narrator’s eyes, this proposal equals an all around win for the people of Ireland and he cannot see any objection to his plan.
In this message by Jonathan Swift, he comes up with a brilliant idea to boost the economy and eliminate the burden of feeding hungry mouths of the poor Irish folk’s children, by selling and cooking their children like live stock. The author presents the argument with a simple, easy and cost efficient solution to the underlying problem. Swift ultimately presents that eating the Irish’s babies would solve the poor catholic Irish parent’s problem and would also be beneficial to the public as well. The author also collected data about how many children could to be sold by their weight and price, and the projected consumption patterns. ----Add more!!maybe?
A Juvenalian satirical essay A Modest Proposal, published anonymously by Jonathan Swift in 1729, presents a not-so-modest proposal to stimulate the Irish economy and end poverty: selling human child meat. Imagine having a child around a year in age waiting to be prepared and cooked, then eaten, all in the name of relieving Irish society of the burden of caring for youths. As a result, ...
Swift was said to “declare at one stage in his life: ‘I am not of this vile country (Ireland), I am an Englishman’” (Hertford website). In his satire “A Modest Proposal,” he illustrates his dislike not only for the Irish, but for the English, organized religions, rich, greedy landlords, and people of power. It is obvious that Swift dislikes these people, but the reader must explore from where his loathing for the groups of people stems. I believe Swift not only wanted to attack these various types of people to defend the defenseless poor beggars, but he also had personal motives for his writings that stemmed from unconscious feelings, located in what Sigmund Freud would call the id, that Swift developed in his earlier years of life.
In the excerpt “A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift makes a proposition to help the people of Britain and Ireland. The basis of the proposal was that the lower class people would sell their children, usually and preferably at the age of one. They would sell them to the people in the wealthy higher classes. You may ask why they would do such a thing; sell their beloved kid for money? That in itself is the proposal, for the lower classes to sell their kids to the wealthier people to eat of course. The idea is that the poor people would not have the money to raise the child and at the time there was a problem with overcrowding and famine occurring. So why not kill two birds with one stone and solve both those problems with one simple solution.
When A Modest Proposal was published, or to give it’s full name "A Modest Proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public." England dominated the whole of Ireland. English landlords owned much of Ireland’s property, Charging ridiculous amounts for rent to poor tenants who could barely afford to pay. England imposed extremely high taxes on Ireland and the English laws which restricted Irish trade made it impossible for the country to ever prosper. In general, the English had, at this time, a negative attitude towards Irish people, and Roman Catholics which most Irish people were. This knowledge is important when reading and understanding this piece. Without knowing a little about the political and social state at this time, it may be difficult to pick up on Swift’s use of satire. However the piece itself, even the full title does educate the reader to an extent, talking about different social classes and focusing particularly on the poor in Ireland. This essay purports to be neither decisive nor conclusive, but merely attempts to assess the importance on the historical content of “A Modest Proposal” in order to see if it is a required element when trying to understand the piece.
Jonathan Swift has been named one of the most memorable satirist in English, Swift’s, A
At this point in time, the majority of Ireland is struggling to survive. Poverty is rampant throughout the country due to high taxes and overpopulation. Swift, a well-to-do author, targets the English upper class in an effort to save his beloved homeland. He presents the revolutionary infant food industry as a solution to Ireland’s troubles. Swift utilizes an argument known as the door-in-the-face technique which first makes an impossible request, and then, moves to a smaller, more logical approach to a problem. Aiding the Irish is Swift’s sole purpose in “A Modest Proposal.” In order to achieve his goal, he writes a lengthy proposition full of “credible” sources and statistics. This continues on for multiple pages, however, the work concludes with much more legitimate solutions to the widespread poverty. The argument assumes that the country of Ireland is too poor and densely populated to help itself.
his idea will be charitable and will actually help the poor as well as the
If Jonathon Swift was here today, he would feel utterly disgusted about how are society is today. He would ultimately be ashamed of what we have become, the satirical pieces that we have read and the abhorrence that was explained; you can tell how he would feel if he were here today. We have unquestionably lost our touch as becoming what we are supposed to become as a whole, some of us is in it for just ourselves without even turning eye for those people in need. The way we run things, the way things are with our Governments and how many people believe that they're superior to everyone else on the totem pole, Swift himself would absolutely go berserk. In reality, we are all the same, because we all bleed red. Swift would feel the same way about
Jonathan Swift’s, “A Modest Proposal” by is a sardonic piece of work that provides an overwhelming sarcastic solution to the poverty and overpopulation issues that Ireland was having in the 1700s. He gives a sequence of nonviable and simply foolish solutions to the harsh treatment of children. The entire title of this work is, "A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burden to their Parents, or the Country, and for Making them Beneficial to the Public." This can sort of hint an idea on the bizarre insights that the writer is going to display. His resolution is to “fatten up” the undernourished, unfed children and sell them to a meat market where they will be sold for food. Thus, solving the economic and population problems in Ireland. Swift does this through a very sarcastic and harsh style that was advanced for the time that he wrote it.