A Great Conclusion Given to Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

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Despite the morbid and gloomy tone Charles Dickens has set for the rest of the novel, the rewritten ending fits well along with the surrounding context because the reader is able to better understand the development of Estella’s character, it is far more conclusive in comparison to the original, and it reveals a little more about Pip’s growth in character and traits.
Throughout the course of the novel, Estella is perceived to be this cold-hearted reptile, but this is contradicted in Charles Dickens’ rewritten ending, when she is instead written to have grown much more open and warm towards Pip, exemplifying her growth and development in character. Although Great Expectations mainly revolves around Pip’s adventures and misfortunes, the novel is largely revolved around Estella as well. As the story progresses and although Pip’s experiences begin to shape his character, Estella’s character, is too, shaped along with Pip’s, and the second ending provides the reader with more insight on this development and change. Estella is displayed to be much more dynamic and round as opposed to blunt and cruel. The reader is able to recognize the changed and developed character of Estella when she converses with Pip and offers him the “friendly touch of the once insensible hand.” Through these actions the reader is given more insight on Estella’s transformation as a human being. Her new kindness towards Pip makes sense because by this point in her life, Miss Havisham's teachings on cruelty are immensely worn down by time and experience. Estella's lessons regarding ‘evil’ and somewhat selfishness, does not last; and thus it would only make sense that she will then change her attitude towards Pip as a result of that. While Estella is repre...

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...rounded and dynamic character. Through Pip’s actions and perspective of Estella, despite her rugged life, the audience is easily allowed to observe and recognize the changes and development in Pip’s character traits.
All in all, over the course of the novel, even though a rather dark and gloomy tone is set, the rewritten ending fits well along with the surrounding context because the reader is able to better understand the development of Estella’s character, it is far more conclusive in comparison to the original, and it reveals a little more about Pip’s growth in character and traits. All of these aspects, revealing more information about Pip and Estella, provides the reader with a sense of completion and assurance. The ever so “happy ending” of Great Expections, ties the entire novel together in an elliptical course, fulfilling the reader’s great expectations.

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