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Great expectations social issues
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Analysis of Great Expectations
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Recommended: Great expectations social issues
Analysis of Chapters 1 through 8 of Great Expectations
Plot and Setting- The plot starts out with a little boy name Phillip Pirrip. It is a first person narrative about a boy back in the nineteenth century. The first eight chapters deal mostly with Pip’s childhood years. It also deals with who Pip is, and his family. In the beginning of the story Pip introduces himself, and introduces his dead parents. He is in the graveyard, and then a scary looking man comes up. The man threatens him. The plot of the story I think is good because it deals a lot with the struggles in a child. He has no one to turn to. The author really helped us relate to the story.
Pip gets in trouble at Christmas time. He gets hit with “The Tickler” which was a sarcastic name for a paddle.
In the middle of the story two officers with Muskets come to the house. They need a blacksmith. Outside they capture two convicts. One of those convicts is Pip’s convict. The other one is the one that Pip’s convict tried to kill. They are both caught.
Later on in the story, and later in his life, Pip meets a young girl named Estella. He secretly has a crush on her. Estella does not care much for Pip. She thinks he is not very gentlemen like. She also thinks that he is coarse and common. Estella and Pip do talk though. She is like a mother to Pip, she kind of disciplines him. Pip is in love with her, but she would have nothing to do with him. She thinks that his is nothing spectacular.
Characters- The first character introduced in the story is a boy name Pip, he is the boy I talked about above. The next two introduced, are his mother and father. They are both dead, and Pip is all alone in life accept for his sister. That is who is introduced next. His sister is married to a man named Joe. Pip lives with these people. The scary convict described above was the next character introduced into the story. Mr. Wopsle is the next character introduced into the story. He was the clerk at the church, and he also goes to the Three Jolly Bargemen with Joe. The whell-wright was Mr. Hubble, and his wife. Joe’s uncle’s name is Mr. Pumblechook, he and Pip are pretty good friends in the beginning sections. They share many experiences together. Miss Havisham and Estella are the next to be introduced. Estella is Miss Havisham’s supposable daughter. Miss Havisham find...
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...t around it, and he had a drawbridge. He loved his house. Wemmick ended up being a very good guide for Pip, because he helped him make some pretty tough descisions.
Barnard’s Inn- This place is just a dump. It is in a part of the city where the buildings are close together, and Pip does not really enjoy staying here. He always talks about a guy named Barnard, although there was no guy really named Barnard. This place is definitely a place where Pip will not want to go back to.
The Temple- Pip enjoys this place a lot better than Barnard’s Inn. Him and Herbert live there, and they share the room. They each have there own room in there, and Provis stays there for a while. I pictured this place as a kind of apartment building that was not very modern. I can get a good picture in my head of what The Temple looked like.
Joe’s Home- This is where Pip grew up at, so I am guessing this is where his greatest memories are. So much had happened in that house, since the time he was little and even up to when Joe and Biddy were married. That house to me always seemed so out in the middle of nowhere, but still warm and a great family environment. A typical country home.
There are many different definitions in which people provide regarding addiction. May (1988) describes that addiction “is a state of compulsion, obsession, or preoccupation that enslaves a person’s will and desire” (p. 14). Individuals who suffer from addiction provide their time and energy toward other things that are not healthy and safe. The book
Toates, F. (2010) ‘The nature of addictions: scientific evidence and personal accounts’ in SDK228 The science of the mind: investigating mental health, Book 3, Addictions, Milton Keynes, The Open University, pp. 1-30.
Reinarman, Craig (2004). Addiction as accomplishment: The discursive construction of disease. Addiction Research and Study, August, 2005, 13(4): 307–320
encompasses sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image, and gender roles.” Sex education discusses important aspects of reproduction, sexuality, and just growing up in general in a physical and emotional sense. One would have to wonder though; does sex education actually serve its purpose? Does it enlighten teens enough about sex and the consequences, to the point where you can actually tell the difference between those who are sexually educated and those who are not? According to a study done bye Coyle (1999) sex education no matter where, at home or in school, and no matter the program does indeed help decrease the amount of teens having unsafe sex. Based on information from that same study about 3 million teenagers a year get an STD, and roughly 10% of adolescent females ages 15-19 get pregnant every year unintentionally. In an article from The Alan Guttmacher Institute (1999) there has been a 20% drop in female pregnancies between n 1990 and 1997 and the drop has continued, they have stated that the reason for this i...
University Digest of Addiction Theory & Application 27.11 (2008): 8-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Oct. 2011.
In conclusion, The Dolls House shows the shift in society at the time. Society was changing all around the world and that is shown through the characters in the play. Nora represents the women empowerment and the capability to make decision and to leave a man. Mrs. Linde shows the rights and difference in treatment for a widowed woman. Torvald shows us how women were seen and treated during this time frame. The whole play shows how characters changed with the outside society.
So, it is clear that addiction is all around us and can attack anyone of us at any given time. Even studies conducted show that people neglect to speak around their dependency for two primary reasons. Foremost, because people do not comprehend, or they bear a total misconception to their addiction, that they do not realize that addictions can be critical to their overall wellness. Moreover, second, many people believe being an addict will never happen to them, but, in reality, most addictions start off as simple little habits. Such as starting with one drink after dinner and before you know it you are drinking several drinks a day. However, one does not opt to be addicted to a substance, because addictions are physical defects in the brain, a disease, and not one’s choice.
Starting out straight from the beginning of Pip's life he is already in pain from losing his parents. He then must live with his older sister Ms.Joe who puts him through a great deal of torture during his childhood. Such as when he went to the graveyard without her approval, she filled his mouth with tarred water just to prove a point to him. Not only was it Ms.Joe though, but the convict as well who put the dark image in his head of the certain someone who would come to kill him if he didn't bring him what he wanted which Pip eventually could not stop being concerned about after he came back from the graveyard. Once Pip starts to visit Miss Havisham though it is obvious the way she has designed the Satis House is in such a low, dark, depressing emotion because of the experiences she's had to suffer during her past. Miss Havisham's suffering has defined her character though. "Miss Havisham herself, of course, is the big victim of the novel, abandoned on her wedding day ...
There are so many important characters in this book that it would take me longer to describe the characters and there importance than it would to summarize the book. So I will keep it to a minimum with just a few crucial people. First there is Pip he is the main character in this book. When he was very young his parents died and know he is raised by his sister and her husband Joe Pip is a very innocent and caring person who wants to have a greater fate than the one presently owned. But is burdened by the fact that he lives in poverty. Next there is Mrs. Joe who raised Pip but is very mean to him and controlling of everyone in her house. Then Joe he is the person that gives Pip help. They play games and explain a lot of things to Pip he is about the only nice person in Pips life. Mrs. Havasham she lets Pip come over to her house and is very wealthy and the people around him think that she will raise him to be a gentleman. But hates men and never changes out of her wedding dress. She also has a daughter named Estella that was adopted and is very beautiful. But is being raised to hate men as well and is using her looks to break there hearts. Magwitch escapes from prison at the beginning of Great Expectations and terrorizes Pip in the cemetery. But out of Kindness Pip still bring the man what he asks for. Pip's kindness, however, makes a deep impression on him, and he subsequently devotes himself to making a fortune and using it to elevate Pip into a higher social class. Herbert pocket who is a good friend of Pip's and gives him advice throughout the book.
Pip’s first and only love is Estella. Estella is very mean and nasty to Pip. Although he receives verbal abuse from Estella, he continues to like her and will not stop liking her, he sees the good inside of her and will not stop until the good comes out. In contrast to her treatment of Pip as a child when she had called him a common laboratory boy with coarse hands and thick boots, she tries to explain to him that emotion is something that she is incapable of feeling. The fact of that is evidence of his illusion, not her cruelty.
The “talk” about sex has never been a topic many like to discuss with tweens or teens, but it has to be addressed sometime during their lifetimes. Sex is a natural experience that is used for reproduction and the building of an emotional connection. However, many teens engage in pre-marital sex and have no knowledge about protecting themselves. Sex education teaches about human sexuality and how abstinence should be practiced to prevent sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) and unplanned pregnancies. Yet, sex education classes are mostly for those in college. Sex education is not meant to encourage sex, but hopefully steer students into having safe sex or no sex at all. Becoming aware about the consequences of having sex among the tween and teen community needs to be established and understood. If parents have a hard time giving the “talk” about sex, then the subject should be discussed with a trained individual instead of being avoided. Without knowledge teens will explore things without caution. Sources indicate that the argument to allow sex education within public schools, such as middle or high schools, is whether the benefits of learning about sex at an early age will outweigh the risks of experiencing sex without advanced knowledge.
Addiction is a psychological condition that comes up when a person takes a drug or engages in an activity, which becomes compulsive and interferes with the ordinary responsibilities in life (Leshner, 1997). The addicts in most instances do not know that their behaviors affect others, and that it is out of control. Addiction is a physical addiction, or the biological state, whereby the body adapts to the presence of a drug to the extent that the body becomes tolerant. Because of the tolerance, there is always a reaction when an individual stops the consumption of the drug. However, the majority of the addictive behaviors is not related to the physical tolerance or exposures to cues. In most of the times, people have a compulsive need to use the drugs as a form of reaction towards emotional or psychological stress that they face. Since addictive behaviors are psychologically based, most of the people tend to switch from one form of drug to another.
As a bildungsroman, Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations presents the growth and development of Philip Pirrip, better known as Pip. Pip is both the main character in the story and the narrator, telling his tale many years after the events take place. Pip goes from being a young boy living in poverty in the marsh country of Kent, to being a gentleman of high status in London. Pip’s growth and maturation in Great Expectations lead him to realize that social status is in no way related to one’s real character.
Sex education is a very controversial and sensitive topic among teens and among parents. Sex education should however be provided in schools and accurately online. Sex education should emphasize protection and safety among teens, promote abstinence to reduce teen sexual activity, and provide factual information about sex and pregnancy on the internet and in the class room.
All things considered, including a comprehensive sex education curriculum in our schools is needed for the health and well-being of our children. Comprehensive sex education programs do not encourage teens to have sexual intercourse but it does allow young people to make educated decisions about sex, sexual health and relationships. Young people will make up their own minds about whether or not to have sex no matter the opinions expressed by teachers, parents, politicians or religious leaders so let us at least arm with the knowledge to protect themselves.