A Generalization of a Generation

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In their recent work, Radley Balko and David Zinczenko have offered harsh critiques about today’s food industry. Many people who frequently eat out at restaurants assume that it is the food industries fault for making America an obese Nation, including Zinczenko, however, Balko has a slightly different opinion.
In his article, “What You Eat is Your Business,” Radley Balko blames individuals for fueling today’s so-called obesity epidemic that is occurring throughout the United States. He argues that the government should stop labeling obesity as a “public health” issue, and start making people take responsibility for their own actions. Balko discusses how the idea of someone's "...well-being, shape, and condition have increasingly been deemed matters of 'public health,' instead of matters of personal responsibility" (Balko). He claims that deeming obesity as matters of "public health" is the wrong way to fight the obesity epidemic. He suggests that the best way to "...alleviate the obesity 'public health' crisis is to remove obesity from the realm of 'public health’ (Balko). He tries to convey the message that obesity doesn’t belong under “public health,” by emphasizing the fact that, “It’s difficult to think of anything more private and of less public concern than what we chose to put into our bodies” (Balko). Balko insists that if people take credit for their own actions, and stop blaming others for their condition, then they will start to make better choices when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. But what about the nonexistent nutritional facts on menus at restaurants Radley Balko? If the nutritional facts were available would that help decrease the obesity rate, and would people try to eat healthier?
David Z...

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...s unaware of the nutrition facts. You would think that the food industry would want its consumers to be informed about the calories and fat content of foods being sold and support the idea of living a healthy lifestyle, however that did not seem to be the case up until very recently. My whole life I have heard that, living a healthy lifestyle is one of the main components of success, and I am happy to finally see some changes occurring within the food industry. Now that changes are being made, hopefully, people will start to take responsibility for their own condition and take actions to live healthier lifestyles.
Although I agree with Balko’s stance on obesity, I support Zinczenko’s claim that all restaurants and other places, like college dining halls and cafeterias, should have to provide the nutrition facts on their menus to further satisfy their customers.

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