A Free Society Must Expect Civil Disobedience

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A Free Society Must Expect Civil Disobedience

Are we morally obliged to obey even unjust laws? Think about what this means. This means that laws, regardless of how unfair, unjust, or immoral they may be, must be followed with no better reason that they are the law. To the thesis that we are obliged to obey even unjust laws, I will argue that the standard objections to Civil Disobedience, given by Singer, are incorrect

To begin, however, I believe it is necessary to define an "unjust" law. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, "Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust." (King, 3) According to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "An unjust law is a code that a numerical or power majority compels a minority group to obey, but does not make binding on itself." (King, 4)

The definition I will take is a combination of these two. I define an unjust law as one that degrades human personality through the unfair suffering of a minority group at the hands of a majority group. Keep in mind that a majority can be in either power or number. A majority in number can be oppressed by a majority in power. Any law that causes a person to suffer simply because they do not agree with this majority is an incorrect and unjust law.

Singer gives two typical arguments in favor of obeying these unjust laws. I will address these arguments one at a time. The first argument says that, "By disobeying [a law] I set an example for others that may lead them to disobey too. The effect may multiply and contribute to a decline in law and order. In an extreme case, it may lead to civil war." (Singer, 297)


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...is injustice.

Works Cited

Allen, R.E. Socrates and Legal Obligation. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press

Jefferson, Thomas, Blood of Patriots Letter, 1787, http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96oct/obrien/blood.htm

Jefferson, Thomas, Declaration of Independence, 1776, http://memory.loc.gov/const/declar.html

King Jr., Martin Luther, Letter, "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", 16 April 1963 Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics Cambridge University Press; 3 edition. February 21, 2011

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