A Distinctive Character In Jane Smiley's Character

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When we meet a specific person; the first thing we notice is their appearance, and as we get to know them we get to see their personality and actions. It is how we get to know that person, and how we see a mental image when thinking of them. With this in mind, my two-year-old daughter, Kinsley, is one of the best things that has happened to me. Ever since I was younger, I could see myself having a daughter to nurture and watch grow into the person she will become. For example, she already has a distinctive appearance, personality, and actions that make her into her own little person. With that in mind, these are Kinsley’s personal appearance, personality, and actions that make her into her own distinctive person.
Kinsley’s round face has a …show more content…

For the most part, she has a soft-spoken voice until she does not get her way. She cries as loudly as a new baby being born into the world until she realizes she is not going to get her way. When she does not get what she wants, she acts as if the world is going to come to an end. It normally takes a couple of minutes to calm her down due to getting herself so angry. When she calms down she realizes how she acted was wrong. Not only does she cry when she does not get her way, but she also gets fussy and irritable when she is sleepy. There is a distinct difference on days when she does and does not get naps to reenergize herself throughout the day. For example, if she does not have a nap during the day something as small as telling her to do pick up after herself can send her into a breakdown.
When Kinsley is in a better mood, she laughs so loud and strenuous it seems like she should have lost her voice. She sounds and looks like she is having the time of her life. She laughs so hard that she puts her whole body into giggling and constantly has to catch her breath.
In conclusion, these are Kinsley’s traits that make her individual from everyone else. Although she is only two-years-old she has a huge personality, a distinctive appearance, and certain actions. Everyone has their own characteristics that make them who they are and that helps us differentiate people. If everyone had the same characteristics, there would be no way to tell us apart, we would not have any individuality, it is what separates us from the multiple people we meet on a daily

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