A Detailed Lesson Plan And Flow Chart For Follow On Lessons

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The detailed lesson plan and flow chart for follow on lessons, outline the teaching of measurement using the metre and the centimetre for year three students. The aim of the teaching sequence is that students are offered learning that will guide them through the construction of their own understanding of measurement and how to competently measure.

Ensuring Engagement
Key to any pedagogical practice is engaging the students in order to inspire learning (Peters & Le Cornu, 2006.). Regardless of the student’s age, if they are not engaged with their learning, construction of their understanding is not going to be as successful as if that engagement did occur (Jeanneret, et al, 2006.). Engaged students “also display curiosity, a desire to know more, and positive emotional responses to learning and school” (Akey, 2006.).
To effectively engage students, teachers must leave their personal views at the door in order to provide valid and authentic learning experiences (Dole, 2013.). Throughout the teaching sequence outlined, the teacher is offered numerous opportunities to provide varied learning opportunities in order to engage a range of students will different interests and learning styles. Through hands on measurements using both rulers and substitute materials, the teacher is able to provide concrete experiences for students to construct their own understanding of the subject, as well as assisting their peers in doing the same thing.
Each lesson in the teaching sequence provides an opportunity at the beginning to focus and connect the students to the learning that will be taking place. This important part of the lesson shows the students why they would be interested in learning the subject matter (Baker, 2011.).
Imperative to engaging...

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...tudent achievement, but perhaps more importantly, as a tool to enhance student learning (Parsons & Taylor, 2011.). By providing multiple activity changes, a real world focus on the learning, introductions that connect the students to the learning that will be occurring and hands on, concrete activities the learning sequence allows students the ability to learn constructively while remaining engaged.
Just as vital to learning is the differentiation that the teacher applies to every lesson in order to cater for a variety of learners. This is achieved throughout the learning sequence by guiding the teacher to the specific theories that are appropriate for different parts of the lesson, by catering learning activities that scaffold, support and extend students learning and by changing instruction styles to allow the students control over their learning where appropriate.

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