A Comparison of Female Characters in Two Stories

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A Comparison of Female Characters in Two Stories

The stories that I studied I felt were mostly about relationships some

of which work but sometimes they don’t. It did show however that

different attitudes can change circumstances for instance if you have

a positive attitude things can be perceived differently than if you

have a negative attitude. Many people want personal gain from a

relationship, which doesn’t make a sound relationship where trust is


In the first example the main character was Rhoda Brook and her

relationship with Farmer Lodge. The social standing of the two main

characters were different, which in those days was much more

pronounced than it is in today’s society. Rhoda was of a much lower

standing in society than Farmer Lodge, she was obviously in awe of him

and their relationship developed. She unfortunately had a child by him

which would have been in those days a very sensitive issue as their

social standing would probably not have allowed Farmer Lodge to have

married Rhoda even if he had wanted to. Rhoda believed herself to be

in love and that Farmer lodge would marry her but this never happened.

She was maybe disillusioned with him.

Tony Kytes had relationships with Unity and Hannah you would have

probably called him a philanderer in days gone by. Both Unity and

Hannah competed for his attention. Unity thought she could be clever

and manipulate Tony but he was manipulating all of them. Tony was

probably ‘a good catch’ and in days gone by the woman was not allowed

to think for themselves but just to find a good eligible and wealthy

husband. Milly however seems to really care and would be the one who

would forgive him this could be misinterpreted to be either hopelessly

in love or maybe gullible. Sophy who was recently widowed was

manoeuvred into going with the vicar because of social standing but

she really wanted to be with Sam Hobson. She felt under the

circumstances that she had no other choice.

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