A Comparison Of Ralph Waldo Emerson And Nelson Mandela

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Fact: there are over six billion people in the world, yet they are all different. Some may be Jews, vegetarians, or Asian, but there are commonalities between everyone. As South Africa’s former President Nelson Mandela once stated, “Love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” (Mandela, 222)This quote surmises my belief that if love is so easy to emit then it can be even easier to bond with fellow humans even if our birthdays are separated by minutes, months, or millenniums. Such is the case with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. The two well-known men relate through their messages to better people and their personal tragedies that led to their profound views; however, a vast difference can be seen in their upbringing and approach to spread their message.
At a young age, both Mandela and Emerson suffered the loss of their fathers.(PBS.org, “Ralph Waldo Emerson; Biography.com, Nelson Mandela Biography) Both men were able to continue to blossom into well-rounded and productive male citizens, despite the gap left by death. Mandela stated in his biogr...

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