A Comparison Of Cinderella And Yeh-Shen

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The story Cinderella is a well known story throughout many cultures. For example, the Egyptian version known as Rhodopis, and the Chinese version Yeh-Shen which also happens to be the oldest, are just 2 of many different recreations of the traditional Cinderella we all know today. These two stories are also very similar to each other, but at the same time very different. The story Rhodopis is very different from its Chinese counterpart in many ways. One of the reasons is plain and simple, they come from two completely different cultures. Another reason the culture makes these two stories so different is the people the girls marry. Rhodopis marries a Pharaoh ( the King of Egypt), while Yeh-Shen marries a King. A final reason Rhodopis is different from Yeh-Shen is, in Rhodopis’ story she was kidnapped and brought into slavery, she was then mistreated by the other slave girls. Rhodopis is very different from Yeh-Shen, just like Yeh-Shen is different from Rhodopis. What makes Yeh-Shen so different from Rhodopis? Yeh-Shen was not kidnapped she was …show more content…

These stories are very alike in many ways. One of the many ways these stories are alike is that they are both horribly mistreated by someone in both the Egyptian and Chinese version, Yeh-Shen by her stepmother and stepsisters, and Rhodopis by the other slave girls. Another reason these two girls are alike is that they are both very beautiful young women. A third similarity between the two is, they both lose a slipper at some kind of formal event. Yeh-Shen loses her slipper at a festival while Rhodopis loses her slipper at an event called Court. A fourth and final reason is that both of these girls fall in love with a man of high power. In Rhodopis’ case it was the Pharaoh, for Yeh-Shen it was the king. This proves that two stories can have the same plot, be very alike, and very different at the same

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