A Comparison Essay of Paulo Freire's “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, and Susan Brown’s “Does Work Really Work?”

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aulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Susan Brown’s Does Work Really Work? Each discuss the theory of education and the problems associated with the world of work in similar ways. Freire discusses the Banking System and the Problem posing method to describe the two different ways teachers educate their students and their method of teaching whether it be through creativity or memorization. Brown believes people are forced into an employee contract which dissolves any freedom and creativity at the workplace. Brown considers employees as slaves to employers as does Freire believing students are like slaves to teachers; forcing them to memorize the information they are told. Paulo Freire’s, Pedagogy of the Oppressed states that students are told what to do in the classrooms, rather than being taught. Teachers are simply teaching the Banking System to their students, and are to “receive, memorize and repeat” (58). This raises interesting and important questions on the discussion that teachers are not doing their jobs correctly. The banking concept of education weakens student’s creativity by causing theses students to memorize facts or even fiction. Freire believes men lack creativity and are full of ineffectual knowledge which only comes into view though invention and reinvention. The banking system is ineffective, resulting in man knowing nothing about the world and society as a whole. The problem posing method would help students by showing them creativity and help students understand information more clearly, my point here is students need useful methods to help them find jobs and become successful in the long run. Students are to listen and retain information their teachers are telling them. More often than not students gr...

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...s into learning a certain way which causes problems with students at a young age, while Brown believes the employment contract tricks employees into signing wavers without really knowing what they are getting into. These different pieces of writing each distinguish their beliefs in certain ways. The reader comes to believe these Authors have found fault in the world today, and choose to discuss either the educators faults in teaching, or the ways employees in these work forces are being deceived.

Works Cited

Brown, Susan. “Does Work Really Work? Word and World. Ed. Lewis, Kent. Toronto, Ontario: Thomson, Nelson, 2007. 179-185. Print.

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy Oppressed: Ch 2. Trans. Ramos, Myra Bergman. New York: The Seabury Press, 1970. 57-74. Print.

Radiology Career Handbook. (2009) . Retrieved from http://rfs.acr.org/dollars_sense/pdf/contracts.pdf

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