Comparing Miller's Tale and Merchant's Tale
Alison in the Miller's Tale and May of the Merchant's Tale are similar in several ways. Both are young women who have married men much older than themselves. They both become involved with young, manipulative men. They also conspire to and do cuckold their husbands. This is not what marriage is about and it is demonstrated in both tales. What makes the Miller's Tale bawdy comedy and the Merchant's tale bitter satire is in the characterization. In the Miller's tale we are giving stereotyped characters. The principals are cardboard cut-outs sent into farcical motion. The Merchant's Tale gives us much more background and detail of the character's lives. The reader is more involved and can feel their situations. Here we will focus on the two women of each tale and how they demonstrate this difference.
Alison is described as young and wild. She is like an animal: " Thereto she koude skippe and make game/ As any kyde or calf folwynge his dame" (I. 3259-60). We know that she would be willing to go along with any idea as long as it is "fun". We can see her childish immaturity in the scenes where she lets Absalom "kiss" her. We do not learn the details of her marriage such as her feeling toward John, her husband. We simply know that it is a mis-matched marriage with a large age gap between them.
May is not described in much detail compared to Alison. She is simply young, meek and beautiful. The disgusting details of her marriage though are clearly shown. January makes speeches about his desire to consummate his marriage and loathingly promises to take his time. We are with May when the real horror she feels at having to sleep with January is describe...
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...In response she acts impertinent and insulted: "'This thank have I for I have maad yow see/ Allas,' quod she, 'that evere I was so kinde!'" (IV. 2388-89). How ridiculous and awful that January believes her explanation.
Therefore we can see while both stories have similar elements, the Miller's Tale is straight comedy. The reader is not shown the emotions of the characters. Alison is not a fully developed character. She is and stays what she was described as in the beginning of the tale: an eighteen year old wild girl. The tale is more a parody on courtly love.
In contrast, in the Merchant's Tale the reader is shown the disgusting details of January's motives and subsequent marriage. May's character is more fleshed out, the assaults against her explicitly shown. We may feel sorry for the carpenter but January never gets our sympathy.
On page 113 she tells her brother to call her a man's name instead of her name so that she could fit in as a boy, not a girl. “Call me Albert instead of Alison” (Bechdel 113). Whenever her brothers were looking at a naked women calendar Alison had the curiosity and need to look at it. That may have helped her realize that she was actually interested in women, not men. When she left for college she started to experience and putting in place her sexual orientation. She got a girlfriend which actually supported her during hard times in her life like her father’s
The setting of both stories reinforces the notion of women's dependence on men. The late 1800's were a turbulent time for women's roles. The turn of the century brought about revolution, fueled by the energy and freedom of a new horizon…but it was still just around the bend. In this era, during which both short stories were published, members of the weaker sex were blatantly disregarded as individuals, who had minds that could think, and reason, and form valid opinions.
According to the authors of “Enhancing Care and Advocacy for Sexual Assault Survivors on Canadian Campuses”, “Sexual assault has immediate and long-term health consequences for victims including suicide, HIV infection, depression, and social isolation,” (Quinlan, Clarke, and Miller). Another common side effect these victims face is post-traumatic stress disorder. Someone experiencing PTSD may have random outburst of anger, have trouble concentrating on day to day tasks, or may even have flashbacks of their attack. These consequences make it hard for victims to get back into the normal routine of everyday life (“Effects of Sexual Assault”). In a case at Amherst College a young women named Angie Epifano faced many of these consequences after she was raped by an acquaintance in one of the college’s dormitories. While immediately choosing to ignore what had happened to her Epifano soon became an emotional wreck. Before the attack Epifano had believed herself to be an extremely strong and independent individual. In an article done on Epifano’s story she stated “Everything I had believed myself to be was gone in 30 minutes,” (Epifano). Sexual assault takes away a piece of someone. With their hopes and dreams clouded by the tragedy they have endured, victims face a lifetime of
Zora Neale Hurston has been married and divorced twice, which assisted her in developing Joe and Missy May’s marriage. Hurston’s rocky marriage occurred just prior to the writing of “The Gilded Six-Bits” which portrays a marriage replete with infidelity and hatred. Missy May’s infidelity tests the strength of her marriage with Joe, which ultimately succeeds the trials and tribulations. Perhaps Hurston spared Joe and Missy May’s marriage to prove to herself that marriages can stand through infidelity, because neither of her marriages continued through the hardships. Hurston saw marriage as an important commitment capable of forgiveness and recommitment. Hurston creates Joe, as the character that forgives and forgets, possibly this is what she expected or desired in her own husbands. Hurston uses her own life experiences to depict her characters a...
Parry, Joseph D. "Interpreting Female Agency and Responsibility in The Miller's Tale and The Merchant's Tale." 80.2 (2001): 133-67. Academic Onefile. Web. 16 May 2013.
...within her household. Within her own household, Alison was uncomfortable of being herself; in fact, at times she felt that she almost had no say in the selecting items such as clothes. This was also quite complex when it came to her subjectivity as well. Instances such as the time Bruce wanted Alison to wear a particular dress to a wedding, or when he insisted for her to were a particular set of pearls, would play a pivotal role in her sexual self development. Other factors such as her relationship with her girlfriend and the news she would find out following her fathers death seemed to also play an important part. Alison Bechdel’s battle in her sexual self-development was one full of anguish and pain because of all of its complexities but she now presents the confidence in herself and her sexuality to present in her eloquent and impactful graphic novel, Fun Home.
The level of hurt that can come from ignoring a sexual assault and that it actually happened can affect someone negatively. It can even get them to thinking bad about themselves and it can turn to the worse fast. There were many flaw’s/fallacies that were committed pertaining to these sexual assaults on campus.
Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale" should be tragic, because a lot of horrible things happen to the characters. The carpenter's wife is disloyal to him, sleeping with others and making fun of him with Nicholas. Also, he is depicted as a fool. However, readers get a humorous feeling from the story, rather than feeling sorry for the carpenter's unfair life. Chaucer makes the whole story come across as comic rather than tragic. This humor is created by the Miller's narration, the use of irony, the cartoon-like characters, and the twists of plot. These elements combine to produce an emotional distance which enhances the comic effect.
When a victim comes forth, it takes a lot of courage. Unfortunately, administration treats them like as if they confessed to a crime to the assaulter. Administration has swept their problem away by suggestions such as advising them not to go to parties, not wear skanky clothes, not to drink, and to sympathize with the perpetrator. This form of victim blaming can discourage them, making them feel worse, like as if they were wrong. “Sasha Menu Courey, the University of Missouri swimmer, told a nurse, a rape crisis counselor, a campus therapist, two doctors and an athletic department administrator that she was raped, but no one did anything about it. Sixteen months after the attack, she killed herself.” stated by Petula Divork, a columnist for The Huffington Post, “You can’t blame sexual assaults on clothing, flirting, binge drinking or parties. Even when you take all that away, there are still smart, clean-cut, young evangelical men who think they have a right to women’s bodies. It’s not about women stopping an attack. It’s about men learning that they never had the right to begin one.”
When High-school graduates think that obtaining a B.A. will help them get higher-paying job, they are only narrowly correct. Murray Charles (245) states that “some companies will not consider you at all if you do not have a college degree”. He also stated that many jobs will not even interview you if you do not hold a B.A. degree, having a B.A. degree help enhance your pay”. Why does having a B.A. produce that result? According to Charles, for some jobs, the economic premium for a degree is produced by the actual education that has gone into getting the degree, Murray Charles (245). Charles also stated that “lawyers, physicians, and engineers can earn high incomes deploying knowledge and skills that take years to acquire”. He believes that having a degree in law, medicine, and/or engineering still signify competence in those knowledges and skills, Murray Charles (245). Obtaining a college education affects you in many different ways and income is one, not going to college and receiving a degree will leave you working a minimum wage paying job like fast food or retail because you will not have received the knowledge or skills to do anything
Beauty’s sisters marry rich men, who seemingly have acceptably desirable attributes as husbands. One man is detailed as a man of good looks. The other man is noted for having great wit. The two possess qualities most women seek in a husband, but it is indicated in descriptions that the two sisters are both unhappy in their marriages. Although the first husband is handsome, this serves him as a drawback, for he is a narcissist, only concerned with himself. The second husband’s wit is also a severe disadvantage due to the fact he uses his wit to torment other people, including his wife. It is when Beauty reviews her sisters’ marriages and the unhappiness her sisters experience in relation to their husbands that helps Beauty realize The Beast’s true worth and her love for him: “I should be happier with the monster than my sisters are with their husbands; it is neither wit, nor a fine person, in a husband, that makes a woman happy, but virtue, sweetness of temper and complaisance and Beast has all these valuable qualifications.” (9). The juxtaposition made between the husbands and The Beast create the disclosure of the appropriate masculine qualities a man should encompass. De Beaumont presents the contrast of characters to the reader as a method of emphasizing the
However the institution must be willing to support mentorship programs. For educational institutes and clinical practice settings mutual partnerships regarding co-operation and support are needed to develop the capability of the mentor to provide effective mentorship to mentees (Jokelainen et al., 2013). Jokelainen et al. (2013) suggests the mentor know the curriculum which will ensure consistency. One drawback was a lack of partnerships made between educational institutes and clinical practice placements, collaborative partnerships are needed (Jokelainen et al., 2013). Educational and clinical institutions should be providing peer-review process of the mentor’s capabilities, along with proper support, adequate preparation. These actions will strengthen the motivation of the mentor to the student’s. Unit staff should be involved in partnership collaboration with the mentorship program to equip students with the necessary tools to acquire competent nursing skills. Increasing collaboration among educational institutes, clinical facilities and unit staff creates a positive work environment, which will improve job satisfaction and turnover rates (Jokelainen et al.,
Emotional intelligence is the ability to gauge your emotions as well as the emotions of those around you, to make a distinction among those emotions, and then use that information to help guide your actions (Educated Business Articles , 2017). It also helps us consciously identify and conceive the ways in which we think, feel, and act when engaging with others, while giving us a better insight to ourselves (Educated Business Articles , 2017). Emotional Intelligence defines the ways in which we attain as well as retain information, setting priorities, in addition to regulating our daily actions. It is also suggested that as much as 80% of our success in life stems from our
In order to make the position one that is more intrinsically motivating, the task identity would need to change, and more feedback would need to be given to the
“Some of the most asked questions has been How was the universe created? When was the universe created? Why was the universe created? Many once believed that the universe was just there and that it was truly never ending. Through the inception of the Big Bang theory the universe could be no longer considered never ending”(Dennis). We had to consider the possibility of a universe that had started some time in history and would possibly end at some time in history. About thirtyfive billion years ago a gigantic explosion started the expansion of the universe. The explosion has come to be universally known as the big bang. At this point all of the matter and energy in space was contained at one point. What was before this event is not known to any human being and is a matter of pure speculation. This occurrence was not a conventional explosion but rather an event that expanded all of the particles of the “baby” universe rushing away from each other. There were actually no galaxies before that of the big bang but it was more like it started the process of creating all of the galaxies that we know today.