A Case for Insourcing

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Outsourcing IT functions has grown exponentially over the last few decades. As organizations grow they find that the IS management becomes a larger and larger part of their day to day operations. In order to save money and focus solely on their core competencies many companies outsource their IT departments to off shore organizations that say they can provide the same service at a lower cost. However many times encumbrances arise from these partnerships such as cultural barriers, talent retention, and loss of in house competencies (Dhar & Balakrishnan 2006). These problems can be avoided by keeping their IT department in-house. By keeping their IT department in house businesses can better manage their information system costs and utilize the internal talent to ensure their systems remain competitive in the future.
“Country specific cultures can add risk in global outsourcing. Language and work ethics vary from country to country and that may contribute to risk” Dhar & Balakrishnan 2006 . Many of the countries that offer remote IT support such as China and Eastern Europe have very ba...

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