A Career As A Veterinarian

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Without pets, I wouldn’t know what I would want to be in life or how my emotional self would be without them. Since I was a kid, I have been rescuing and saving cats and dogs from the streets and tried my best to make them feel better while the animal rescue were on their way. I’ve always had this instinct to take care of the injured or sick animal. I want a career which emphasizes formal and informal education, where I am always learning new things. One that requires a lot of problem-solving, observing and listening, and patience towards the animals. I want to become a veterinarian since I have always have the "fix it" mentality when it came to animals. I want to educate pet owners about proper care and training, and diminish pet overpopulation. …show more content…

Imagine trying to understand someone speaking an entirely different language to you. How long would you pay attention to them? You simply wouldn’t be able to comprehend what that person was trying to say. To communicate every day with your dog or cat, you need to understand how they learn. Dogs and cats learn through the instantaneous consequences of their behavior, and because of those consequences will show how they’ll behave in the future. Dogs, even humans, work to get good things and avoid bad things in life. Another method of giving your pet proper care is to spay or neuter them. It creates more space and a more stress-free, healthier environment for everyone. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA),”Neutering male dogs and cats reduces the breeding instinct and can have a calming effect, making them less inclined to roam and more content to stay at home. Early spaying of female dogs and cats can help protect them from some serious health problems later in life such as uterine infections and breast cancer”. This will reduce the overpopulation of pets if this practice is continuously used throughout the

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