9/11 Research Paper

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Immediate action taken after 9/11 After one of the most horrific attacks in the history of mankind many drastic changes took place in the constitution of United States.  One of the most notable changes included the introduction of Patriot Act on October 2001 (Rowen, 2007). The Patriot Act allowed the government officials to conduct searches without warrants, monitor financial transactions, detain and deport individuals that were suspected of committing terrorist acts.  The federal government also developed a security framework that would help to protect their country from large scale terrorist attacks. They introduced “Department of Homeland Security in March 2003 which brought together 22 separate agencies and offices into a single, Cabinet-level department” …show more content…

Television coverage of the terrorist attack and the aftermath lasted for 93 hours(Johnson, 2011). Approximately 45 movies were edited or postponed after these attacks.  Various other surveillance programs were introduced by the Bush Administration namely "Presidents Surveillance Program" (Hess, 2009) which involved intelligence activities authorized by the President.  "Introduction of a open secret code name known as Stellar Wind" (Johnson, 2011) which was approved by George W Bush was a program that involved "monitoring communications of the American citizens, including email, phone calls, financial transactions and internet activity" (Johnson, 2011).  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments of 2008 authorized "the U.S intelligence community to acquire foreign intelligence information by targeting foreign persons who were believed to be outside the United States" (Journal, 2008). This act ensured that intelligence community had the flexibility and agility it needed to identify and respond to the terrorist and other foreign threats to their security(Journal,

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